Chapter 4

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TW: mentions of blood


Zira laid in his comfortable bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. The day has gone from pure excitement to a pure headache in just a couple of hours. Not only was there a demon attack, but he was also almost trampled by the rushing crowd while the curators and security guards screamed 'remain calm' and 'don't panic'.

When did either of those suggestions ever work in a crisis?

By the time he made it out, the police were already scattered about, announcing to the crowd that the situation had been handled. Some of his classmates pulled out their cell phones to call their parents, himself included, while others formed a line at the nearest payphone. He phoned his oldest brother Braxton to come pick him up. The guy was already skipping his classes today anyway. It would be Braxton's form of payment to him for keeping his mouth shut about it. When he got home, Zira plopped on his bed, not even bothering to change into a jinbei. He looked over at his digital clock. It was seven-foury-three, so he hadn't missed dinner yet. The kitchen wouldn't be too occupied tonight. His older siblings, Braxton and Lulu, both had to work late, while his little sister Ame went to a sleepover. This left Leon and him with the house to themselves.

Until the doorbell rang.

Shuffling out of bed, he slipped on his shades and mask before proceeding out of his room and down the stairs. When Zira opened the front door, he analyzed the features of the person on the doorstep. Jet black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail at the nape of his neck, an acid washed denim jacket fitted perfectly over broad shoulders, and gorgeous dark brown eyes that made Zira's heart rate increase every time without fail stared back at him. He gulped, his throat suddenly feeling very dry.

Izzy Conrad.

He was going to go into cardiac arrest.

Zira could feel his chest burning as his fingers flexed. His stomach twisted and turned as he watched Conard's lips twitch, trying to convey a smile, but only coming out looking awkward and forced. As if Zira's presence made him uncomfortable. Which wouldn't be too far off. This was how all their encounters usually went. Conard would say hello, and Zira would clam up in response. It was humiliating.

But this time would be different. This time he would speak and actually talk to Conard. Their first conversation hung on the tip of his tongue. All he had to do was speak. Just speak. Just speak. Please, speak.

Every attempt died in the back of his throat, the only sounds coming out being muffled squeaks. Conard was equally silent, his polite smile soon turned into a thin line, eyes looking everywhere else other than him.

"Hey, lil' bro."

Lil' bro.

That degrading ass nickname.

Oh, how he wanted to gauge his eyes out right then and there. But that was a little too gruesome for his taste, so he settled for crying his eyes out in his pillow instead. And who did he have to thank for this idiotic fad? Why, none other than Leon himself. He already had half the school calling him that which included the football team, the basketball team, etc. Even random students hopped on board. That was all anyone in school knew him for. His siblings, on the other hand, were the epitome of popularity. Braxton was the school's basketball captain during his senior year who still stopped by to check in on the new recruits; Lulu was the laid-back pretty girl every guy wanted to date. They even probed him for information on her dating status from time to time. And Leon himself was the star player on the basketball team.

But Zira?

He was just a nobody living in the dark shadows of his siblings.

He'd been there so long, and no one even noticed.

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