Chapter 6 - Mystery.. teen?

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It was a dark, cold day in the city of Athens. Kind of weird considering the fact it was summer break, but okay.

"This is your third time doing this, Fex. Don't be so nervous about it!", Lisa reassured Felix. He looked like a little ball of anxiety with legs.
"I don't wanna! What if I die?!"

"There's scarier things than death, Fexy," James suddenly answered on the other side of the bridge.

"You?" Felix asked with a tremble in his voice.

"Are you kidding me? Just- just walk over it! It's not that damn hard to work up the courage to walk over this sturdy bridge." He rolled his eyes at the terrified Felix who was stepping on top of the bridge with one foot, then quickly retracting it. It looked like he was waiting in the shower for the water to warm up.

  Eventually, Tae just ended up pushing him all the way across the water. Felix stil as a plank.

The group was about to go on a trip. But not just any ordinary trip to Athens. They were going to the Lycabettus Hill.

This time, Tae was driving. Contrary to popular belief, he's actually a very terrible driver. They almost crashed into a bus which would've definitely given Felix a trauma response.

"You're going 20 miles over the speed limit!," Lisa exclaimed.

"Now 50, nice going pal. Keep it up," James answered, causing Tae to smile and drive even faster. The rock music on full volume. And incoherent screeching from Felix and Lisa in the back, whilst they were hugging each other tightly.

The tesla zoomed past all the other cars on the road. He knew what he was doing. Swiftly, he swirled through the slower cars and honked at them to hurry up. Although it was electric, it sure as hell had a lot of speed. And it drove smoothly, much better than Tae's old 2004 Ford beater.

"The hill of Lycabettus is basically one of the greenest spots in Athens. The hill is covered with pine trees and crossed by paved paths. Standing close to the center of Athens, the hill is 227 meters high. In fact, it is the second-highest point of the Athenian basin and a great place to enjoy stunning views of the whole city, its suburbs and the sea that surrounds the capital of Greece."

"Stop speaking in terms and conditions. Also, we're here."

He opened the car door and stepped out, surprised by the beautiful view. Although he was confused. Before he could ask, Lisa told him the news.

"This isn't our destination. We have to get to the peak by cable car, trolley, or another form of transportation."

Tae raised his hand up in excitement. "Can we also-"


"I didn't even finish my questionnn.." He whined.

"The answer's still no. We go by trolley, and that's final."

On their way to the top, they encountered a beautiful sight of the light blue coloured sky. It was like a magician enchanted this mountain and put a beauty spell on it.

The city below them was a soft, gold colour and the rocks surrounding them looked straight from a fairytale.

They found a nice looking bench and sat on it. They were truly enjoying their lives. Embracing nature, accepting it. Nothing bad could possibly happen to them.

The group was relaxing at a nice café below the mountain. Tae ordered his espresso as usual. James ordered a tomato soup. It was his go-to meal to eat on vacations or holidays. Lisa and Felix ordered a matcha latte. Felix mainly did it to mock the fact Lizzie always ordered it, but he actually found it to be pretty good.

"Today was an relaxing day," James said.

"Tell me about it! We barely even MOVED at all during our stay here! The only interesting thing we did is look at that giant rock or, whatever." Tae was a solid adventurer. He didn't really like walking around the city and buying clothes every now and then. He longed for adventure. And Felix was honestly hoping for some more hiking too.

Lisa scoffed at the rude remark and crossed her arms. "Well thank you for paying my ticket, Elon Musk."

Felix tried to de-escalate the fight. He just wanted to go back to joking around with his bros. And that wasn't gonna happen unless he intervened.

"Knock it off, you guys. We'll discuss this back at the hotel." He gleefully said. He was sure he had stopped the minor inconvenience.

"And who are you to talk to me like that? What authority do you have? Huh?"

This little quarrel soon became one of the worst fights in the history of this friend group. Everyone was coming for everyone..

When suddenly, the lights in the café began to flicker. People let out little gasps all around and many of them left. The group stopped fighting and then simply split the bill.

Out of nowhere, a huge power outage throughout all the city. Felix swore he could feel someone tugging his arm and he tried fighting back to no avail. Someone put a blindfold on him and dragged him away to a small alleyway, where the mysterious figure awaited him.

"So.. Felix, wasn't it? I think it's time I show you what I'm fighting for."

In a single swing, the dark cloaked figure knocked Felix and his friends out with a baseball bat.

A black mist started surrounding the friend group and began spinning in a tornado like manner. Faster and faster, until eventually, they disappeared.

The figure simply sighed. It would only get more confusing for them. But he knew what he was ordered to do. And if he had to, he wouldn't hold back.

(Word count: 964)
(18 January 2024: spell check)

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