"You're Not Sorry"

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You've been engaged for 4 months now when became more distant with you you tried to make plans for the two but was always cancelled because she busy with her friends.

It became a habit of hers  going to parties leaving you  alone at home with the cats. when you finally got enough of it, you attended one of  you and Taylor's friends party were she's at.

There you saw her in a bedroom fucking other women...

It was few days ago...

You told Selena about it and she revealed more of your fiance's doing...

She had been seeing Karlie Kloss behind your back, a year ago which made you regret saying to her proposal.

She's a cheater.

Taylor’s smile faltered as she noticed something off about your vibe, she could see the anger and jealousy in your eyes and she knew why, she messed up big time this time.

“Why are you looking at me like that..?”

Taylor shifted her eyes away as guilt clouded her mind.

You stood there in silence, you were absolutely speechless at the fact that your girlfriend, the most beautiful, talented woman on the planet, cheated on you… the anger was boiling inside of you, this made it harder for you because honestly, you loved her. She was the love of your life.

You wanted to yell but you didn’t say anything, the silence felt deafening with every passing second. Taylor knew what happened, she just had to hear it from you.

After what felt like an eternity, you finally mustered up the courage to speak. You let out a shaky breath, trying to remain calm and not lose it.

"Did you cheat?”You blurted out, your voice cold and distant.

Taylor didn’t even try to deny it, she just stared right at you, not saying a word. The silence was back again. It felt like she froze in place as she looked at you, waiting for you to say something else.

"Answer me truthfully, Taylor"

Taylor flinched at your blunt tone, she hated that she disappointed you, she hated it so much. And she hated that she couldn’t lie to you to avoid the inevitable, she knew she had to answer that

“I did.”Taylor said, a deep shame and guilt filling her every word. She hated the fact that she threw away something so perfect and special to you, for a night of pleasure. She couldn’t believe herself.

"How many times?" you sighed looking at her eyes slowly getting overwhelmed by my feeling of betrayal. Taylor could tell that you were hurting, it pained her to watch you like this. But you needed answers, you deserved to know the truth. She couldn’t look at you, she was too ashamed.


You sighed again before looking up avoiding to tear up.

Taylor could hear you trying to hold back tears, you were a little successful but she could still hear your voice choking up a bit. She hated herself for doing this to you and for not being there for you right now.

Taylor’s eyes finally met yours, she could tell just how much she hurt you. Her guilt was overwhelming, she wanted to apologize but she knew no words could fix this.

"Shit!, why did I even love you?" You gasped  trying to stay calm.

Taylor just stared at you in silence, she was too ashamed to answer. Her silence broke as you saw tears roll down her cheeks, all of her guilt and shame just boiled up, she just couldn’t hold it in.

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