From Zero...

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The story take place in a normal world...until a sudden event happens. Some sort of portals appeared out of nowhere, monsters came out of the portals and destroyed everything in Japan...It was the most disastrous event that Japan had ever experienced. Thousands of people have died, Hundreds of buldings were destroyed, people thought hoping for a savior were just useless until a Hero appeared, A man who was absolutely strong overpowered the monsters, pushing the monster waves away. It lasted for 10 days, in those 10 days that Hero fought the invasion and successfully in closing all the portals but his existence is not ever-lasting, the Higher Beings notice the man having their powers, they know that he will pose a great danger to everyone and even himself if he continue to exists, the man himself knows that so he decided to get himself lock up in the void to prevent anything to be destroy, the Higher Beings then cast a Rune which summon exactly 1827 souls to create a portal to lock the man inside it. At last, before the man was locked up, he blessed all the people in Japan with his powers, and with it people in Japan experienced changes...

After everything that had happened the event was named.
-Daybreak Invasion-

People thought after that event everything will be normal again, but they were wrong, portals still appear, it were not completely disappear and that makes everyone worry but some people in Japan start to experience something called...The Awaken which give them unique powers. Their body starts to develop something called "Potential" and It was the measuring figure for the soon to be popular job called Hunter. Those people apply that job to hunt down monsters or close the portals by clearing the monster lairs inside it. There is another type of Hunter, people in Japan appear to have powers and not all of them are good so beside the normal Hunters there are Head Hunters who hunt criminals that have powers. The job have 7 ranks in total: S, A, B, C, D, E, F.

Everyone in Japan soon to recieve that "Potential" too, people over 7 years old start to gain their powers. Soon enough, not only Japan that have people with powers, day by day, the people who have power in the world start to appear more frequent, to the point where people those have no power is called the "Unusual Ones".

-15 years ago-

A kid has just been born, the doctor pick him up and show him to his mom. "Congrats ma'am, it's a boy! And he have unique eyes!" - the doctor said cheerfully.

"Oh, what a special boy you are..." The woman said while holding the boy and caresses his face.

Suddenly a door opening sound can be hear from behind the doctor. "Inko! Are you ok!?" said by the person who open the door. Inko giggles "Oh come on Yon...don't be like that, I'm all good and look! My baby is a boy!" Yon sighed, she then move closer to Inko and look at the boy "Man you have a really cute boy, I wonder if he's gonna take a liking to my daughter~" Inko then look at her and laugh "that would be happy for both families wouldn't it?"

As the two women talk to each other, the door is being open once again. "Inko! how is our son?" Said Hisashi "Ah! Hisashi, look at our son! He have unique eyes!" Hisashi's eyes widen in excitement and he go to his son, then pick him up and smile at him "Aren't you a cool little dude!" The two women chuckle at the sight of Hisashi and his son. "So what do we name him Hisashi?" Hisashi put his hand on his chin and seems to think for a while. "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya, how is it?" He said smiling "Then so be it, our son name is gonna be Izuku Midoriya!"

And that is the day Izuku come into the world, his life was really fun and peaceful, he made lots of friends including Bakugo, Jiro and an OC of mine (she will be reveal later).

Now I'll stop the story for a bit and reveal the powers of the characters .

Bakugo Katsuki - Izuku's bestfriend
Powers: Explosion and Implosion
Explaination: Explosion is the same in the anime but he don't need sweat to create explosion. However, It will damage his body if he uses it too frequent.
Implosion is pretty much opposite of Explosion, Explosion is a close range combat type while Implosion can Implode things from inside while being far away. The drawback in using Implosion is it will damage his power cells and might lead to the point where he can't use the power anymore if he abuse the it.

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