The Text Messages

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*Text Messages between you and Luke*
Y/n: Hey babe❤️
Luke: What.
Y/n: It's our two year anniversary ❤️
Luke:Oh yeah.
Y/n: why are you beingg like this?
Luke: I don't know why don't you ask him!
Y/n: And who would he be then?😂
Luke: you know exactly who he is.
Y/n: No I don't 😂
Luke: You sure about that?
Y/n: Babe you're scaring me😅
Luke: You didn't seem scared in his arms.
Y/n: Seriously Luke stop! Who is he!
Y/n: ..........
Luke:Yeah did you think i wouldn't find out? that I wouldn't find out about you and my brother!?
Y/n: Luke I can explain!
Luke: Go explain it to him.

*text messages with Jack*
Y/n: Jack........Luke knows.
Jack: What!? How!?
Y/n: I don't know I can't stop crying! what do I do he'll never forgive me!
Jack: I'll be right over!

Not So Happy Two Year AnniversaryWhere stories live. Discover now