Hemmings Out Cold, Jack Gets The Kiss

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*Lukes POV*
Jack stormed over to us I stand in front of y/n to stop him hurting her.
"Jack, go home it's over seriously now stop" I say
"Oh I couldn't without revealing you" Jack pulls his phone from his pocket
"Well Lukey you've been a naughty boy haven't you" Jack smirks
I know what he's doing I run towards him attempting to grab his phone.
He dodges me and reaches y/n "You see y/n your not the only one with a secret love affair!" Jack announces showing her messages
y/n's face drops "Luke" she backs up towards the edge of the bridge "You said all that stuff to me and you did this!? and you made up excuses, so all them doctors appointments they weren't actually real" she backed up further nearing the edge trying to keep a distance from me.
"y/n stop please! you're getting too close to the edge!" I tried to stop her
y/n was too shocked to even listen to me.

*Jacks POV*
Luke swung at me, I caught his fist and laughed. I swung at him and hit him straight in the nose he fell to the ground, he was out cold.
I walked towards y/n shaking with her eyes tearing up. I cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss, our lips met and it was amazing.

Turns out Luke butt dialed Michael while he was sitting on the bridge and he was listening for the whole time with Calum and Ashton....

Not So Happy Two Year AnniversaryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora