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Wednesday 21st June, 2023

As of today, it's officially summer in the UK, but I've been basking in warmth for a while now thanks to the company of my two sunshines.

Stevie and I's daily visits to Harry in the hospital continued after he woke up. We'd been there so many times that the staff became as obsessed with Stevie as her family are. Everyone fussed after her, and rightly so.

The relief and gratitude I felt from hearing Dr. Longfellow tell me that Harry was awake and then seeing that for myself is a feeling I'll never forget. I was freed from the blanket made of bricks that weighed me down and made it hard to breathe at times. All fear and worry was rid along with it.

With each passing day of him being conscious and as charming as ever, that relief and gratitude never lessened. The love I feel for him kept growing, though.

Seeing Harry simply awake and alive started the growth, but the absolute adoration he immediately showed for our baby girl as he looked at, held and kissed her, that was so prominent in his pretty green eyes that she stole for herself accelerated it. I had never felt more at peace than in that moment; an emotion that expands every day.

Stevie started to fuss a little while after she woke up from her sleep, which meant it was time for a feed. I could sense it was coming long before she woke up, truth be told. My body let me know before she did.

"Someone's hungry." I murmured, which earned me Harry's smiley attention as he passed our daughter back to me; instinctively knowing what was coming next.

I took her from him with a wink, cradling her in one arm as I pulled out the spit up cloth from the pocket of my dungarees, unclasping the strap of them before placing the cloth on my shoulder. The bib fell down before I tugged up my top, and then Stevie latched on as easily as ever; her body getting the sustenance her Mum provides.

The strange sensation of breastfeeding that began the day she was born a little over two weeks prior had dwindled into complete normality the more often it happened. At first I didn't think it would, and I also worried that Stevie wouldn't take well to the boob, but both things turned out to be absolutely fine. I'm incredibly lucky. Stevie has been so good to me.

In fact, I've never felt more magical than when she feeds. It makes me feel closer to her than I already do; a bond there that only those who experience it can truly understand.

Harry looked to attempt to grasp some semblance of that understanding as he, in complete awe, silently watched our girl suckle away; his hand on the small of my back rubbing soothing circles. It felt nice to have his touch again, and letting him in on the wonders that is breastfeeding felt really special, too.

Once Stevie was finished up, Harry continued to watch on as I burped her; one hand on the back of her head that rested on my shoulder as the other rubbed her back. I stopped working her back for a split second to grab Harry's hand, though, guiding him to do it instead. He really looked to appreciate being encouraged to help out.

She spit up on the cloth a bit which made us both laugh, and Harry was quick to wipe her mouth and chin free of milky residue once I pulled her back. He grinned as he worked, totally in love with every little thing she does; even if that includes regurgitating milk.

"I left her baby bag with your Mum." I mumbled a little while later, the three of us having fallen into a sweet silence once more as Stevie lay along the crease of Harry's closed thighs.

He looked up from staring down at our daughter with a smirk on his face, "I'd offer to get it for you, but I'm a little preoccupied. IV in my arm. Broken leg causing me hassle. Brain surgery healing. Baby snoozing on my lap..."

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