The Tamed One

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Previously on Squad Chaos:

With the help of Aly, Sha finally ended the battle with one last shot, putting all her mana into this one last shot, leading her to get all weak and unable stand on her own.

As soon as the battle ended, the squad gathers around Ave who is suffering from losing her loved one as she held his cold body in her arms, as they all shared the same feeling about losing one of their friend. Ave, who was affected by this sorrowful loss the most, decides to go back with the werewolves to be a part in Logan's farewell. Ky decided to go with her as well. With the remaining members leaves with Luna, as they are finally ready to meet their friends who were kidnapped. The task they came there for in the first place.

Present, at Aqualantia ( Coruscant base at Zale doria)

It didn't take long for Gin to reach Aqualantia, carrying the injured Nova, on the dark Crowndor, the shadowy crow that he went on, to bring back Nova.

As soon as they landed on the terrace, Nova gets off the crow as she stood firm, Lady Elaria was there waiting for her.

Lady Elaria: *She gasps widening her eyes seeing her daughter bleeding, with one less arm* Nova!! My darling.. *She says in a crying voice as she rushes to her* W.. what have they done to you!!.. who did this to you!! *She panics as her voice got angrier*

Nova.C: Shut up.. *She says as she was angry, she flips her mother's hand off her as she walks away towards the entrance to the hall* Leave me alone..

Lady Elaria: But but... *She turns around looking at her daughter walk away*

Gin: *He was witnessing this scene as he was chaining the Crowndor to the Terrace they were on* hmm..

Lady Elaria: Who did this to her?? *She asks without even looking at Gin, yet her angry aura was leaking out*

Gin: hm.. *She stood firm, with his hands behind his back as she lowered his head down before he answered* She was engaged in battle with Luna, Lady Elaria. I believe it was her doing.

Lady Elaria: Tchs... *She starts walking away as her angry aura got more stronger* I shouldn't have let her escape alive *She says clenching her teeth, as she walked away*

Gin: Hm.. *He watched lady Elaria walk away, and then he looks down as he remembered the look on Sha Aqua's face* hm.. She really is Alive.. *He mumbled to himself*

Present, at the broken down Coruscant mansion:

After a long discussion, Nate and the rest of the werewolves, took Logan's body with them, Ave and Ky went along.

With the only ones remaining being, Sha, Aly, Kraton, Jiao, Ming, Raizo and Luna.

Aly: *She looks down at Sha, who was still sitting on the ground* Now they are gone, shouldn't we go get Claire and Horus?

Sha: *She looks up at Aly* Ah yeah.. Luna.. *She then looks at Luna* Please take us to our friends..

Luna: *She looks at Sha and then looks at the broken-down mansion, and then looks down, clenching her fist, as if she was hesitating*

Sha: Luna? Something.. wrong?? *She asks as she tries to stand up*

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