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   Being so close to Prince Zuko was something I never expected. I never expected for him to come back especially not as a hero.

Being a background palace guard I hear a lot of drama about the royals and being one of their best fire bender has raised my status. I get to guard the royals up close and personally yet I didn't expect to be changed from guarding Azula to Zuko.

  Well anything to get away from that crazy girl.

  "Prince Zuko, I think it's time you leave Iroh be. Yelling at him won't help" I said with a smooth and calm voice compared to the yelling Zuko. Glancing at Iroh I smirked.

Zuko turned to look at me and stomped towards me. He grabbed me by the collar and began to yell obscenities. "Shut up! You don't even deserve to be here. Damn swerve rat. You're just a murderer"

Jeez why does everyone always bring up my past.

Looking away I smirked. "Prince Zuko, I'm simply stating my opinion" I was being condescending and that angered Zuko even more. He let me go and stomped out the room. Glaring at Iroh I spat. "Damn trash"

I turned and followed Zuko. I just needed to get a little higher up the chain and then I can disappear without anyone saying anything. But damn is Zuko so angry. I might as well go back working with Azula.

Just an hour and I'm off the clock. Then I can train and rest. That it that all I need to do.

I'm going to be the best.

Zuko was mumbling like a madman. He was angry I don't understand why tho. We got to his room and he slammed the door in my face. Zuko was harder to read than Azula.

With Azula it was easier to get her stuff she wanted because she was open about it but Zuko hid everything. He hid it all under a blanket of anger. All he's grief and pain hidden away.

I don't know if I should wait here or just leave yet. Last time I left he got mad at me. Frowning I shifted my weight from one leg to the other until I walked away. I'll deal with it later right now I need to train.

The palace guards have their own training room but it's small for over a hundred of them. It was always hot and full no matter the time. It wasn't any different today. Walking in I scooped the scene. They were having yet another competition. 700 yuan to the winner.

I want that money and I get what I want. After some stretching I walked up to Nico. Nico was pretty average height and had dark skin with even darker curly hair and some thin glasses on his nose. He was handsome and smart. He always organized bets and had the money from betters.
"Hi Nico! Can I still join?" I asked

He looked up and groaned. "I always lose money when you win and you always win" he whined. I just smirked. "That's because everyone here sucks" I said slyly.

He playfully patted my back and smiled. "Sure! I heard Prince Zuko might start training here. You might fight him"

I raised an eyebrow a bit shocked. Royals had their own rooms to train. It's unheard of for anyone to come down to train with simple palace guards.

"It's just rumors tho. It's probably not even real" he said once he saw the look on my face.

I hummed. If Zuko and I fought I would still win because I am the best. No royal could beat me. Even Azula had trouble beating me. She always did tho

"Well how many people bet on me?" I asked Nico. He frowned "well they didn't think you would come over here since you're with Zuko now so no one did" I gasped in surprise.

"What!?!" I can't believe it. People would actually think that I wouldn't train? I train everyday!

I frowned and then relaxed. Taking deep breaths I rubbed my arms. "Okay whatever. Just tell me when I'm on" I just want to know who I was fighting. It looked like Jose was on a winning streak.

Jose was tan and had a slick back. He had a bad habit of smoking green but then again they were just teens. He was lean and fast. He was a monster with the agility of gods.

"You're up next. Let's see if you can knock tonight's king off his throne. Jose doesn't know you're here yet so surprise him. Oh and no fire bending " Nico said as he patted me on the back with a smirk.

I smiled and nodded as in crawled into the ring. It was soft like a boxing ring but it had blood splattered everywhere.

It looks like Jose got busy

When he saw me he smiled but I could still see the glimmer of surprise. "Y/n! I thought you weren't training tonight" he said with a smirk.

"I never miss a day. Even when I'm with Zuko" I replied as I wrapped my hands. "Prince Zuko"Jose corrected me as he got into position.

I rolled my eyes and then got into position.

Jose was very particular about things like that. He liked the details that's why he was so good at fighting.

The whistle blew and he started off by trying to kick my legs out from under me. He was fast but he's so predictable.

This is easy can't believe people lost to him. I hit him with a two piece before taking a few steps back. I like savoring my fights so I'll make them last as long as possible.

Jose had an incredible recovery rate and quickly shook it off. He grinned as blood dripped down his mouth.

I was just about to kick him but I heard the sound of the door slam open and Zuko. "Y/n where have you been!?!" Zuko screamed I turned to look at him but I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and the lights went out.

Fuck I forgot Jose can knock you out with a single punch.

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