Chapter 1

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Life for Andrea Wilkons has always been easy. Surprising right? Andrea is a teen pop star and has taken over millions and millions of teen hearts, did I mention boys too? Her life has always been easy, maids there to clean her room, escorts there to open her door, and most of all her daddy's paycheck. Yes, you heard it, her daddy's paycheck! I bet your wondering how I know all this? Well, I'm her younger sister, Jessie, I like to be called Jess, she's about 2 years older than me! She's only 18! Honestly, she's changed, she used to be the best older sister ever! You would always ask her to play dolled with you and play Jenga with you. Now I'm treated like her escort, which means I'm always there for her, but she's never there for me, in a family way of course. I really wish it was back to normal without all the paparazzi and fans at our house! Did you know once the fans got so loud, I didn't sleep, at all, yeah at all!

"Hey Jess?"
"What do you want Andrea?"
"Can you look for my shoes?"
"Why not?" Said Andrea, in the most winy voice ever.
"I'm not your maid!"
"And your point is?"
"I'm not sound i-"
"Who's there?" Shouted Andrea.
I let out a sigh, "It's Max." Max is Andrea's boyfriend, I hate him, he is so mischievous! I tried to tell Andrea, but as usual, she thinks I'm lying because I don't like him, at all! I'm not! He's stolen from the mall! Whatever. I guess she'll never listen!
"I'm coming!" Said Andrea running down the stairs, in a beautiful blue Lacey dress, with a pearl necklace and bracelet, and shoes!
"Hey A!" That's what Max has called her from the start. That's used to be what I called her! Apparently, he came up with it! I think not! Not at all!
"Hey Andrea! Do you wanna go get some fro-yo?" I asked.
"Um no!"
"Why not? It'll be fun!"
"Leave us alone Jess!"
"Know what Andrea!"
"What?" She said twirling her auburn hair and popping her link bubblegum.
"Don't ever call me Jess again!" I stomped up the cherry-oak stairs and slammed the door with defiance. She is so rude! I really wonder what happened to that little auburn haired girls used to know!? I think I'll just go by myself!

I hopped into my black jeep and went off to get some cotton candy fro-yo! It's really good! I went to the fro-yo shop and got cotton candy, with gummy bears!
"One scoop of cotton candy and a half a scoop of gummy bears." I told he really handsome cashier.
He looked up at me and said, "Hey! That's my favorite!"
"Yeah, I kinda work here." He smiles at me.
I looked at his shirt and said, "I see, I would call the police other wise." I smiled back.
"What's your name?"
"Um, Jessie, but I like to be called, Jess."
"Well, hi Jess. I'm James."
"Nice to meet you, James!"
"Do you wanna hang sometime?"
"Okay!" I left without my fro-yo.
"Hey Jess!" I thought he would kiss me, he didn't.
"You forgot your fro-yo."
"Oh thanks!"
"Here's $20, keep the change." I ran away before he could say no. I turned around a bit and smiled. He walked in the fro-yo shop and smiled. I looked at the fro-yo bowl, it had his phone number! I thought to myself, I really like him! His brown hair and blue eyes. Not a lot of people can pull off a fro-yo uniform, but James certainly can. I jumped into my jeep and decided to head over to the mall, just in case James wanted to "hang."

I got to the mall and I saw my friend Jake. He has been my friend since I can remember! He's always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I've also been there for him, unlike Andrea. He's one year older than me. He's heading off to college soon, I better go say hi!
"Hey Jake!"
"Hi Jess!"
"Are you excited for college?"
"I can't believe your going to be gone for almost 5 years!"
"I know! I can't believe it either!"
"What are you going to major in, again?"
"Filming and directing."
"I think that'll suit you!"
"You'll make a great director!"
"Thank you! Do you wanna grab a bite to eat?"
"I heard there is this really good buffet!"
"Yeah! Isn't it called Yuskans Buffet?"
"Yeah I think!"
"Let's go!"
We had a really good lunch! I had a few pieces of sushi, crab, a bow of egg drop soup, and a couple of egg roles, oh also with a bowl of fried rice! I can't even remember what Jake had! It's about 4:00. So I think I'm gonna go shopping and buy a really cute dress for when I go on a date with James!

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