On The Train To Palomino Bluffs Riding Academy

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Fair warning, there will be some of my own OC's used in this story so don't get confused if you see a character that isn't in Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy. That's all!

Dashi had the window open and was looking outside, as was Kwazii who was behind Barnacles.

He'd noticed a young boy curiously watching Dashi as she stared out of the window.

"Dashi," Barnacles whispered.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Someone here has got his eyes on you," he told her and she turned around quickly.

"Hey, Buddy. What are you doing here?" she asked the boy.

"I'm going to the same place you are, I assume," he replied.

"So you're going to Palomino Bluffs Riding Academy?" Dashi asked.

"Yep! That's exactly where I'm going," Buddy replied.

"Nice! Why don't you watch out the window with me?" Dashi asked Buddy.

"Sure!" Buddy replied and went over to Dashi to look out the window with her.

"Ugh. Are we there yet?" Tweak, who was sitting beside Barnacles, her head on his shoulder, groaned.

"Patience, Tweak. We'll be there soon, I promise," he assured her.

"Hah! Mates, I see it! Palomino Bluffs, here we come!" Kwazii said excitedly.

"Next stop, Palomino Bluffs Train Station. Palomino Bluffs Train Station," the train driver said over the PA.

"Yes! There's the train station!" Dashi said, pointing it out.

"Well, this is our stop," Barnacles said, waking up Peso and Shellington.

They left the train and got their stuff from the luggage compartment on the train.

Octonauts At Palomino Bluffs Riding AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now