Because Why Not

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"Are you going to eat that?"


"Can I ha-"


I send a glare towards my best friend Mason."Please Alexandra" he begs. I let my gaze fix on him, he knows I don't share my school lunch when we have food I can bring home to snack on. Today in particular it was chicken nugget and waffles day, but that came with a packaged cookie which I intend to keep with me until I get home.He practically sobbed at my response."Pretty please."I decided it better that I don't take it with me this time though because it is friday, and I might end up eating ice cream tonight.So I did what any good friend would do. I took it out of the wrapping, took one bite of it, and then set it on my empty tray.

"Why?!?!" He screamed,"Why would you do this to me." I watched him drop his face on to his tray going on and being dramatic about the cookie. I see the jerk of a...well a person, Jara walk in. He scans the room with his eyes, and I see them land on me and Mason. I pick up our trays, break the piece off of the cookie where I bit it , and give it to Mason, before I leave the room dragging a now overjoyed Mason behind with me."We need to talk." I say to Mason as he follows me to a tree in the small outdoor section of the lunch space. I pull myself up into the tree, and swing my legs over the side sitting down and releasing my hair from its hair tie. I watch Mason huff stuffing the cookie in his mouth all the way, I hop around and change my seat. When I look down again, Mason looks to be talking to Jara."Crap." I quietly make my way down more just enough to listen."I have no clue where she went. She just handed me her cookie and ran off." It's quiet for a second before Mason speaks up,"Why...Do you like her?Were you going to confess to her?" Mason you idiot stop fooling around, just get him out of here. I hear a scoff,"As if I'd confess to that weirdo.Shes like a lighthouse in the middle of the desert, bright but not useful."I suddenly hated him more than before. They talked a bit more until Jara walked away. I then dropped hanging upside down in his face.

"Oh my-Wait...What did I do this time?" He says his voice full of dread. I probably look so angry right now"Come on we need to talk.", my voice acknowledging his worry.He climbs the tree silently, clearly fearful. "You didn't do anything...this time." I hear a sigh of relief and continue." I did...or well I think I did. Remember yesterday when I told you I found a small box with a key attached to it?" I ask him, hoping his incompetent brain haddent already discharged the information. I see him nod, and then proceed."Well Jara approached me this morning claiming it as his." I tune in on the steady drum of my fingers." He said it was his, and demanded I give it to him, as if I would." I look over at Mason, " Since then he's been borderline harassing me over it." I look into the barely visible courtyard, the wilting leaves of the tree we're in showing the end of summer and fall. "I told him if he tells me what it is then I'll give it to him, but he just won't tell me,I didn't really care at first, but something about the way he was acting was a bit offsetting-"

"--What do you mean?" he cuts me off. I look up at the sky, a leaf falling smack into my face, I blow it off in irritation, and say,"You know how he's always cool and collected? How he never seems to care about anything and does so well with people and school it's ridiculous?" I hear a hum of agreement before progressing with my findings,"Well...When we were talking he seemed so...frightened. He lacked his usual confidence." His terrified dark brown chocolate like eyes flash into my mind."I've never seen him look like that ever. Then when I asked what it was he just...he was speaking a million words per minute. It was odd." Mason just sighs,"Well for all we know, you're doing the right thing.You don't know what it is, and you don't know why he wants it.You dont even know if it's his." I nod."You're right." I hear the bell ring."We can talk more about this at my house after school ok?" he nods.

I jump out of the tree, going into a summersault out of habit."You and your weird habits." I hear him grumble as we make it to the doors inside of the building. We walk to my locker first, and then I drop him off at his next class. When I get to my next class English I stare out the window leading into the hall. The perks of being in the back of the classroom, 1 im mostly ignored ,2 I have a great view out the window, 3...well there are only two,but that's good enough. I take a look at the board and sigh. "Miss Dravera!" I hear my teacher yell. "I snapped my head from the board to her, my face going bright red, sinking more into my seat." Yes mrs.terra...." I say my voice so quiet it's indistinguishable from the silence of the classroom.I see her sigh, there are some giggles in the class.''Please attention." I nod, going back to the article on the board that they just finished reading over the last 15 minutes, then look at the questions sheet.This is easy. I write my answers down quickly, and hand my paper in."Can I get a head start to the next period? I don't like being in the halls when they're crowded."I guess you can get a head start to your next class, or just hang out for the last 5 minutes." she says a look of indifference covering her face as I go back to my desk and grab my books, and walk out the door.

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