Chapter 3

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The blue feline walked over to Rob and cleared his throat to get the cyclops's attention.

>>hi Ralf <<Gumball said sheepishly.

>>The name is still Rob, Gumball what do you want?<< Rob replied annoyed.

>>Oh sorry, I and Darwin just happen to be walking here, then I saw you and thought might aswell say hello<<

Rob scoffed and rolled his eye.

>>Yeah sure<<he replied sarcastically.

>>Look, I know we had a terrible start<<Gumball answered.

>>Terrible doesn't even begin to describe it<<the cyclops added. 

>>I know,i done you bad,maybe we could stop being nemeses <<

>>why would i want that?<<Rob asked annoyed and continued>>you wanted me to be your arch enemy<<

>>oh right< <

Cyclops turned around and wanted to leave again but Gumball pulled on his arm.

>>wait don't go<<said Gumball desperate.

>>let go of my arm, let go<<Rob tried to throw Gumball off his arm and didn't notice the two of them stumbling into an elevator.

Before they knew it,the two were in an elevator and the door closed.

The two boys looked up for a moment before Rob sighed in annoyance.

>>Great, now we're in an elevator<<he said sarcastically.

>>we could just press the button <<Gumball said sheepishly. 

Rob pressed the button but nothing happened, he tried again and again but nothing happens.his static became dark from frustration.

>>I think it won't work, it's broken<<

>>Yea, what you don't say<<the cyclops replied angrily. 

>>You know, I was in this situation once<<Gumball added. 

>>aha, what helped you?<<Rob asked. 

>>well,waiting <<the blue feline answered. 

>>Now I have to wait here with my nemesis, how nice<<Rob replied sarcastically again. 

>>um..yeah, might aswell get to know each other <<

>>I already know almost everything about you,you're the main character<<Rob scoffed and crossed his arms.

>>But I don't  know anything about you, for example what is your favorite food?<<

Rob looked at Gumball and grumbled>>Watermelon<<.

>>Watermelon?dude your serious?<<Gumball replied in disbelief.

>>What did you think that I eat souls?<<Rob said.

The blue feline stayed silent, feeling uncomfortable, that's how the cyclops felt too.silence... absolute silence felt the narrow space,only Rob's static filled the room with some noise. After a while Gumball finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

>>Why did you get so static?<<Gumball simply asked.  


Guys, sorry that I haven't written anything for a long time, I was on divianart most of the time, hope you all understand.

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