chapter 1

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Hi if you read this story EVERY thing is true so here we go i was born on dec 12 at 130 at least that what my baby book says i was a baby like all babies but only one thing when my mom feed me i woulent suck (yea weird word but)anywas and my mom had to forse feed me she had no chose cause see i had a choking prolem and still do and i think the food woudent get down or something like that anywas i begain with prolems all threw out my life i woudent meet the miles stones of a avrage baby i coudent sit up tell 6 mouthes and walk i think tell 2 or three then i burt my foot so i coulent walk at all then eather i had got older and it took alot of pĥysial theapy  for me to even do this i think and i dident even have the contive ablty as a child even thow i was about 6 now and my mom put me in as meany thearpys there is on this earth they helped  alot with out them who nkow were i would be today as a younger child i had way more prolems but i would want to write a story about my prolems or disablities so here we are i had alot of learing prolems some one thought i had adhd and they were wrong as the doctor dinosed me with a learning disablty but way back when they dident have the info they have now we have recoreds of my schooling at stuff so if your child or alult  needs paper work for something and he or she was born with problems or disablites keep records there inportment and my true disablty is minor cp and mild scoiloses and dd(devament disablty and we as in my parents found some stuff about its so keep those records or papers cause they could be usefull one day and this is all well the paper work is to get my disably benifets but were i live they call it ash and i just to get it and to be hopley in program you know got to work on those life skills still! The end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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