Chapter 1: Bus Blues

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The damn bus screeched to a stop, and I stomped down the steps. Field trip. Whatever. Astra and Ellie, the yappy duo, trailed behind me, all hyped up about some lame academy.

"Aries, this is gonna be epic!" Astra chirped, waving her hands like an idiot.

I grunted, not bothering to reply. Why did they think this crap was exciting? Academy, museum - it's all the same dusty crap to me.

Inside the bus, they jabbered about the 'awesome' day ahead. I just stared out the window, rolling my eyes at the trees or whatever. Dad moved us here after Mom kicked the bucket. Ever since, I'd become the school's icy queen. Not that I gave a damn.

We hit Everglow Academy. Trees, more trees. Real thrilling. Astra and Ellie dragged me inside that ancient dump, pointing at relics like it was some treasure hunt.

"Check this, Aries!" Ellie yelled, practically shoving my face into some old junk.

I just grunted, not giving a crap about history or whatever. Detention queen, that's what they called me. Math teacher got on my nerves, so I chucked a ruler at her desk. Got me a VIP ticket to detention.

Astra and Ellie chatted non-stop, oblivious to my eye rolls. They were nuts, but they were mine. The only ones who didn't treat me like a ticking time bomb. Dad taught me things - bad things. Normal teens would freak, but I just tolerated their antics.

Field trips, relics, friends - all just noise in my world. Little did I know, this crappy day was about to get crappier.

Detention queen or not, the teacher leading the tour had this stick-up-the-butt vibe. She rambled on about ancient junk, and I tuned her out. Astra and Ellie whispered behind me, still pumped about every single artifact like they'd won the damn lottery.

The teacher stopped by this ancient map, pointing out Everglow Forest like it was the holy grail. I couldn't care less. My eyes wandered, catching a glimpse of someone watching. Creepy, but whatever.

Astra nudged me, whispering, "This is so cool, right?"

I shrugged, trying to ignore her. Academy, forest, ancient relics - none of it mattered. Just another crappy day.

The teacher's monotone voice snapped me back. "Now, kids, pay attention. Everglow Forest is where dreams come true." Yeah, right.

As she droned on, Astra and Ellie exchanged glances, probably plotting more excitement. I let them, not in the mood to ruin their fun.

We trailed behind the teacher, passing through creaky halls and faded classrooms. Astra and Ellie giggled, snapping pictures of each other by the relics. My eyes rolled again - idiots.

But then, things got real. The teacher led us to this room with an old mirror. She rambled on about some magic or whatever. Astra and Ellie, still giddy, leaned in, soaking up every word. I stood back, lost in my own world.

As the teacher blabbered about dreams and reflections, I caught that watcher again. Someone lurking in the shadows, their gaze fixed on me. Creepy as hell, but my friends were oblivious.

Little did I know, that mirror crap was about to drag me into a mess I never saw coming. The crappy day just hit a whole new level of messed up.

As we continued the tour, I couldn't shake off the feeling that this day just turned from crappy to downright bizarre. What were the odds of bumping into another class from another academy in this ancient dump? Little did I know, the weirdest part of this day was still waiting for me around the corner.

The teachers kept jabbering, dragging us through the exhibit like they were leading some grand parade. Astra and Ellie, now chatting with the other students, looked like they'd just found their long-lost family members. I rolled my eyes at their excitement - who cares about finding someone you lost, really? When they're gone, they're gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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