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Sipping on a cold drink as she stared out the window a heavy sigh escaped her. She'd come in to have some fun, enjoy herself for once. But, as the dreary clouds seemed to suggest, it obviously had not worked. 

Fingers tapping a beat into the wood of her table as others laughed and smiled in the background, heart aching, a migraine coming on, she finally decided it would be best to pay her tab and finally move on for the night. Maybe go back home and snuggle under some warm covers. God that sounded good.

Getting up, her knees practically creaking Lacey finally started moving towards the bar, intent on paying her tab. The bartender was a nice girl, lots of potential, charming too. With those people skills she would probably be able to go places with the right motivation. 

Thanking the girl as she walked out Lacey finally let some of the exhaustion creep in, washing over her, oddly comforting and yet still unsteadying as she thought of all the things that would have to be done the next day.

Jonathan had been acting off again and that only meant one thing, girlfriend troubles. No matter how many times she had told him no to helping him out with his relationship troubles he still always asked. It was almost comical at this point, still irritating though. All it meant for her was that tomorrow she would have to stave off his pleas for help. More work for her. 

Not that she was averse to work or anything it was honestly something she enjoyed, just not that kind of work. Talking wasn't one of strong suits or helping out in emotional situations. She was to stubborn to compromise for one. That never early helped the situation. At the very least she recognized her issue's?

A broken sound of pain reached her ears snapping her to attention as she turned quick as a whip to search for the owner of the sound. 

Rooting around looking with all her might about to give up when the sound came again. From considerably lower down, scanning the small alley she'd walked into to try and find the source her efforts were finally rewarded by a positively barbaric cat. The thing was all scraped up on top of being the largest cat she'd ever seen. What could do this to a thing of this size? 

The broken cry came from the poor thing again so crouching down she slowly reached out thrilled when the dear let her touch it. It probably wasn't safe to touch it since it was currently situated in a dirty alleyway. Oh well, she had nothing to lose and this darling obviously did. 

Finally running a hand through the thickest softest fur she'd ever seen or felt she whispered "Who did this to you darling?" Deciding to try and pick the thing up she managed to get both hands under it apologizing each time she jolted it. 

After what felt like hours but was probably a few minutes she said "I'm sorry sugar but I have to move you, it's gonna jostle you a bit but you'll feel better once you're in my car" it looked at her, straight in the eyes, and nodded. This was the weirdest cat she had ever seen, ever. It was probably the alcohol and the time. 

Everyone saw things at 3am, nothing weird, just a slight hallucination. Nothing a good nap wouldn't cure.

The treck up the stairs had been nightmarish at best, every step jolting and jostling the poor thing and at one point it had passed out. Dirty and bleeding everywhere. At least it wouldn't scream at her when she cleaned it up. 

Carefully putting it down on a towel she started cleaning it up. Using some warm water and a rag she made sure it was almost clean. It was most definitely a male cat.

Then, deciding it wouldn't be fair to just let him on the floor she quickly made up a cat bed with her spare blankets. 

Laying the beast of a cat down on it she was finally able to go to her bed. The moment she was saw her bed she faceplanted down and didn't get back up. It had been a long day.

Why did the sun have to be up this early? It was very rude. Didn't it think about the poor people who were awoken with a glaring light on their face? Very rude of it. 

You know what? If she had to get up then she deserved a coffee. Simply no question about it, coffee would fix everything. 

Lacey was standing in the middle of her kitchen, arms crossed feet tapping, begrudging everything in her life that had left her in this position, this position meaing a piercing headache with no coffee in sight. There was none in her kitchen. None. She had checked.  Thoroughly.

And wait up a minute, hold up. Was that a cat? Why the hell was there a huge cat in her living room? And why was it knocked out? Did it get way too drunk too? Poor thing. 

Ohhhh, drunk her was much nicer than she was. That meant that she'd probably picked up the poor thing when she didn't even have cat food. Or coffee. That was an issue.

Store it was then. Why her. It was much to early and she was much to grumpy for it. But coffee was life and the cat probably needed some things as well. Like food.


Sam The Somewhat Crazy Possesive CatWhere stories live. Discover now