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"This was a bad idea."

A stone warrior slid to a stop, wind-milling his arms for a bit but ultimately falling onto the net. One of the Nindroids came over, leaning over and pulling the warrior to stand up. Only to be pushed down when a second warrior crashed into them, sending all three tumbling into a pile of stone, metal and snowboards.

"You believe we should have left them behind?"

"Nah, I was talking about the sweaters. . . Where did you even find one that fit you?"

"Don't really know."

The Overlord went screaming past them, hunched low on his ski's.


Mindroid followed soon after, cackling like a witch.

"... I don't want to know."

He turned to Kozu, tensing when a snowball hit him in the face.

"I understand the appeal now."

Cryptor leaned down, packing snow together in his hands, before promptly chucking it at the others. It took around 5 minutes for an all out battle to begin. Stone Army vs. Nindroids, The Overlord ended up joining the Nindroids.

Mindroid had managed to get some sort of snowball cannon and had gone insane with it.

Another snowball struck Kozu in the face, snow clinging to the bright red sweater he wore. Cryptor almost laughed when he fell dramatically, one of his warriors shouting he would be avenged.

He ducked, chucking his own snowball at a Stone Scout. Grinning when he too made a show of his 'death'. Shaking his head he continued to dodge and throw.

Bit by bit, the sun slowly disappeared, turning the sky into a stunning canvas of oranges, pinks, purples and blues. And when the last Stone Warrior fell, the Nindroids cheered.

He turned, pelting Mindroid in the face and it turned into a free for all.

Eventually the Stone Army got up and joined. He could see Mindroid riding on the shoulders of a Stone Scout, weapon in hand shooting everyone he saw as other scouts provided constant ammo.

He stumbled over to the Lodge, flopping onto one of the porch couches. Kozu found his way over a few minutes later. Sitting down next to him and reaching over, ruffling Cryptor's hair, snow rained down in front of his vision.

"Better, salt and pepper isn't your style."

Cryptor whacked his arm, "And here I thought you liked it."

Kozu snickered, "Only a little."

He leaned back into the cushions, looking at the snowball battle taking place.

"Maybe not that bad an idea."

An arm hooked around his shoulders, another around his waist. Tentatively pulling him closer.

Usually he would pull away, not being one for PDA. But instead he leaned in, letting his head settle on the other's chest.

"Not that bad at all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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