Chapter 1

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Nandini POV

Beep.. beep.. beep..
Good Morning world.. A new day and a new chance to save lives and to cherish this life with love.

But still there is this loneliness within me that I always felt since I was young.. but with the work I have I feel content and happy..

My best buddies never left my side since I met them in college ..but I've been waiting for the One .

I wake up and get ready for my work.
I wore a simple pink kurta set . And the door bell rang it must be my friends, we always go together.

To be honest we always carpool and we three share petrol price together it's good for the environment and we got to talk a lot as well so we like going together and we have our breakfast in the hospital only.

Interns have arrived so we have to teach them and they can know how important is their duty. Being busy with work is nice but to be able to be with someone who can love you is amazing.

Things have been hectic in the Emergency department but it is the golden time department of the hospital.. Even few minutes count in the department.

"Emergency.. Emergency.. Male, 73 years fell from the stairs, had an heart surgery 2 years back, forehead injury, suspecting ankle injury. "

Raghav POV

Mumma.. Papa.. Save me.. Save me..
Beep.. beep.. beep.

Again this nightmare.. after I got kidnapped by my father's enemy when I was 11 years old.. I am getting these nightmares.

I've been to many therapists, but this doesn't seem to go. So I put on a mask of a cold man that my Dadu can read like an open book.

My grandfather means my Dadu is my biggest strength that I have after parents passed away in an accident.  

It was staged as an accident but my father's enemy ambushed them and killed them but they got their justice when I became the Mafia King.

I gave them the peace they deserved.. that f*cking bastard was asking for forgiveness after brutally killing my parents and making my life lonely and hell.

I was sitting in my office for past two days because of work . We're working on deals back to back, so I didn't get time to spend with Dadu.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring..

I picked up the phone, it was an unknown number..


"Hello, we are from the city hospital, are you the guardian of Rajesh Mittal"

"Yes he is my grandfather. "

"Sir, he fell from the stairs and we require the guardian to come to the hospital "

"Yes, I am coming "

Dadu is the only family I have now, I am scared to lose him. I left my office in a hurry, everyone is watching me but I couldn't care less. My Dadu is important.

I told the driver to take me to the hospital urgently.. Four cars of bodyguards is following me. Security is important at times like this.. My secretary will handle the meetings for today.



Hi guys, I know this is very short but please give me feedback so that I can improve my writing.

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