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A little while later found you all perusing the area where various vendors were selling trinkets and cheesy souvenirs. The guys had gotten more food and were taking a break from rides so they could eat it. You were looking over a display of fridge magnets displaying the fair's logo and many different mascot characters when you suddenly registered a presence walking towards you. Thinking that it was another patron of the booth trying to get by you, you pressed yourself further into the corner to get out of their way, but instead the man stopped right in front of you.

"Man, if I was thirty years younger..." He breathed out, lecherous stare clearly going up and down your body.

You let out a nervous chuckle, desperately looking around both for your easiest route of escape and for where exactly your friends were. Most of them were several booths down the row, engrossed in watching some other guy play a basketball shooting game. You couldn't even spot Sungchan's tall head over the crowd.

"Uhm, thank you, but I have a boyfriend," you nodded and smiled awkwardly, trying to step out to the side of him to go around him, but he met your move to stay in front of you.

"Hey, we were just talking."

"I said I have a boyfriend."

"Then where is he? Shouldn't have left a pretty thing like you alone."

"I'm going back to my friends," you told him, setting your jaw as you looked to duck out behind you instead.

The man's patience was clearly wearing thin, too, as he growled, "I'm not done with you."

Then, you finally spotted Sungchan emerging from right behind the man, pushing by him to stand next to you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders with no hesitation, offering you a smile despite the vein bulging in his neck, "Hey, baby, is there a problem here?"

"Who the fuck—"

"I wasn't talking to you," he snapped at the other guy, all kindness gone from his tone and features.

You shifted in place, gratefully pressing yourself into his side. You gulped and nodded, answering his question, "Yeah, I'm having trouble leaving."

"Then let's go. No reason why we shouldn't be able to, right?" He was now glaring daggers at the older man.

"No, I don't think so."

Sungchan kept himself between you and the man as he practically shoved him out of the way for you two to leave, hurrying back into the crowd.

"I didn't see him touch you, did he touch you?" He asked fervently, rubbing your arm.

"No, he didn't, I just couldn't leave," you breathed out in relief at finally being out of there. Leaning your head against him affectionately, you added, "Thanks, Sungchan."

"I shouldn't have left you alone, I'm sorry."

"I'm an adult."

"Yeah but I'm your—"

"Y/N, oh my god!" Shotaro exclaimed as he and the others ran up to you two at that moment. "Are you okay?"

"We thought you were going to get like—" Eunseok made a slicing motion over his neck.

Wonbin smacked him on the arm. "Not helpful."

"I'm fine, guys, thanks," you reassured them with a tense smile.

"Good thing Sungchan is scary tall, huh?" Anton laughed.

"Speaking of—" Seunghan eyed Sungchan's arm that was still around your shoulders. "You can uh, you can let go of Y/N now, Sungchan."

tourist trapped ✦ | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora