Be my lady

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Jessica and hayat entering a restaurant cheerfully before a guy in all black waved at them

"Hey ladies" Michael exclaimed his eyes glued on hayat who is wearing a short sleeve purple gown and a heel beautiful designed, her dress simple yet gives her that seductress looks hugging her a little yet enough to give him the thought of guessing who beautiful she's made,her hair was covered with her mini hijab which makes him wonder how could someone be this beautiful being covered at that

"Hope you haven't wait for too long?"  Hayat asked with a worry eyes

"No not at all, don't apologise it's worth it" he said before standing up and pulling out a sit for her also doing same for Jessica

"What ur name again?" He asked looking straight at Jessica

"Jess, just call her Jess because that what my family and I call her" hayat voluntary answered

"Yes u can call me that ,I like it more"Jessica added

"Boss we have to leave as soon as possible the conference is starting soon" v stated emotionlessly

"Postpone it "

"Sir!  Let's leave now"

"Are you giving me orders"

"No sir I will be waiting outside" with that v headed out

" Why is he like this" hayat asked annoyed

"Like what" Micheal teased

The all ate to their heart content

"Won't he have anything thing" hayat asked looking at the man standing outside like a statue

"I never saw him eating,at times I wonder if he eats" Micheal responded

"Is he shy" Jess Wonder out loud

"No, he's just mysterious"

"  My mom assign him to take care of me before she died, which he has been doing,my mom trusted him she said he is her brother infact he is the only relative from my mother's side I know"

Hayat's expression change instantly" aren't you being disrespectful to your uncle?"

"My mom has always told me that her people banished her for marrying my father and V only came when she was dying  I am only letting him be with me because of my mom,I am just letting him fulfill my mother's last wish"

"Am sorry about that" Jessica said

"Sorry for your lost" hayat says patting him on his back"

" It's okay ladies,am cool, shall we" he ask while standing

"Yea" hayat said while the three of them beaded out

"I won't let that happen" they heard V said on phone so coldly that Micheal has to ask

"What happened?"

"Nothing" he said before opening the car for them to get in

*They arrived at Michael's Villa 

"So huge" Jessica exclaimed

"Who do we have here" Micheal said displeasure evident in his voice

"Leave" V ordered the guy

"Sorry but I am staying" the guy stubbornly replied

"Is he mad to exchange words with Mr bodyguard" Jessica thought

The guy looked at Michael holding hands with hayat and walked straight to them"hello daughter in-law"

She look surprised because he looked 30 and calling her daughter in-law

"I am Brent,V's younger brother and your boyfriend's uncle"he pulled her out of her thoughts

"Nice to meet you Uncle" she crackly said

"U are not my uncle"

"If u want I can teach you a lesson" Brent offered like some piece of cake"your boyfriend is testing my patience" he added

"He,he is not my boyfriend" she hesitated while turning to face Micheal pleading for him to back her up with her eyes

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