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After marrying JT we went to find out if I was pregnant and it turns out I am in fact pregnant. Jax and I were very pleased to hear that we will have a baby.

JT of course was happy as well learning that I'm pregnant. cause he made the comment about breastmilk.

"will be sucking your tits so fucking much you'll feel me on them even when I'm not anywhere near 'em" he says

"Pops she enjoys breast and nipple pleasure. makes her pussy very wet" Jax told him.

We had all three found us a place to leave and we sold our homes and moved into our new place.

We shared the news of JT and I being married and me being pregnant.

Everyone congratulated us and wished us the best.

Now here I am in the clubhouse with my breast full of milk that my husbands are suckling away while rubbing my four month belly as the guys sit around drinking beer.

"so what do you think you'll have?" Opie asked

I arched and moaned from the icreable feeling of them mouths, and tounges on my nipples.

"boy" I say

"Why do you think that?" Kip asked

"well I sorta believe some of the old wives' tales. pregnancy glow, a certain way you carry, hair, & headaches. which funny enough I've had plenty." I answered.

when JT and Jax pulled away from my breast the licked the last droplet before kissing my nipple then fixing the cups of my shirt.

"she had bad headaches that made her cry & where she can hardly do much so we had asked the doctor and he said some women believe that is a sign of carrying a boy. when he asked her if a constant pain or every so often she had told him it was a every other week thing but it was enough to put her in tears. which he said headaches in the early stage of pregnancy is common. which thankfully they stopped before she became four months pregnant." Jax tells him

"wow. well I'm glad that's over for you" he says

"me too" I replied

"whats the wives' tale on the hair?" Tig asked

"shiny, luscious, and healthy hair you're carrying a boy. which my hair has looked way much more healthier and shiny then I've ever been able to get it.

 "isn't there one about food?" Chibs asked

"yep and its true," I say

"what?' Opie asked

"the wives tale is that if she craves salty foods she's carrying a boy. and she craves a lot of salty foods. but the main things she wants are pretzels and Nutella." JT answered

"that's not bad nor disgusting," Juice says

"what was the last wives' tale? " Bobby asked

"way you carry" I replied

he looked a bit confused.

"If I have a lot o weight gain in my stomach its a boy." I tell him

"Oh" he says

"and she has gained it more in her stomach" Jax says 

"I honestly thought I'd have it all over like love handles, thighs, and all but I just got bigger belly but not so big I feel or look like I'm carrying more than one baby" I say

they all sit there and ask different questions and seem to be entertained by it.

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