Prologue #1 - 🐾

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6 year old Kiba POV:

Screaming, was one word to describe the sound. Screaming and fear were 2 words to describe the atmosphere.

It was the first time I saw Akamaru hurt, and he was bleeding.

"Hana! Mom! Help! Akamaru's hurt!" I screamed and ran into the house.

"Huh? Oh, he'll be fine." Hana said as she walked into the living room, placing some papers down on the table.

Hana grabbed Akamaru from my trembling arms and went into the other room. "Trust me, you little Dickens, he'll be fine."

"Stop calling me that!" I shrieked. "I am NOT the devil!"

"Kiba, what on earth are you screaming about?" My mother walked in from her training area with the dogs.

"A-Akamaru... he got hurt and Hana took him away and I don't know what to do!" My pace in words sped up and tears weld up in my eyes as I looked down in shame of not knowing what to do, and in fear of Akamaru being hurt. I was supposed to protect him, my dog, my puppy, my little fluffy best friend, the thing that I love the most in the world.

My mother sighed and walked over to me. She wrapped her muscular arms around me. I felt protected, like everything was going to be okay. She smelt of camp fire and the creek, a scent that reminded me of home, of her, of Hana. I felt protected by her, hopefully, one day, I'll be able to make Akamaru feel the same way.

Her voice was gentle, unlike her normal strict and slightly annoyed tone, "Kiba, your sister is the best veterinarian around here, Akamaru will be fine and heal."

"I-I know..." My voice cracked. "I'm just..." I sighed, "scared. I don't want him to be hurt or in danger." I hugged her tighter.

She held me until I stopped trembling and was calm. She put her hand on my shoulder and crouched down on one knee. "Kiba, my son, I know what it's like having one of your dogs being hurt. But the thing is, they will get better with time and care. Trust me when I say that you will be able to protect him like I protect you and your sister, the dogs, my comrades. He is your friend and you both care about each other so much even though you've only known each other for a week."

"You will be able to protect him one day, and keep him out of harm's way. I believe in you." She spoke in a soft but sturdy tone.

I eased and started to feel better. I shook off the feeling of fear and hugged her one time last before going to check up on Akamaru.

I walked across the dark brown hardwood floors, practically gliding across them. My footsteps were soft but yet quick, silent but there. I shuffled my way into the room where all the medical supplies were stacked up in the shelves.

My hand slipped cross the wall as I drew myself inside of the room to check up on Akamaru. I noticed my sister sense my scent and she glanced over at me. "He's alright, he just got some splinters in his paws." Her eyes were pulled from me as Akamaru whimpered.

"Oh, shh... it's going to be okay, just a couple more, ok?" She spoke to Akamaru, who was laying on the medical table with a pained expression.

I felt myself walk up to the table before my brain could process how to react. I looked over him and wisped my finger through his fluffy, little, white locks of fur.

Once Hana had removed the last of the splinters from the berry tree, he walked over to me with a slight limp and whimper. Once he was right next to my hand, he laid right on it. I chuckled and smiled. I softly kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry boy, I'm going to do my best to protect you."


I was eating dinner with my mother and Hana. It was a good night with some Quesadillas and jelly donuts. I bit into the soft dough and my mouth filled with the red sticky substance. I savored every bite of the delicious jelly donut. I picked off a bit at the end and gave it to Akamaru.

He happily took it from my hand and ate it. How lucky am I to have a dog as a best friend? I know that we will be best friends forever, until death.

"-ba. Kiba!" My mother yelled to get my attention. She was eating some quesadillas with some orange cheese, white cheese, and hot sauce. She always loved her hot sauce, which is probably why her mouth always smells like death.

"Huh? Sorry, what did you say, mom?" I chuckled nervously.

"I said, how are your burns?" She asked, sternly but concerned. Hana looked at me, also wondering.

I had almost forgotten that my dad- no. Helper of my birth, had convinced me to hold out my hands so he could pour a boiling hot liquid, water I think, on my hands for whatever reason. I don't remember what he poured on my hands, because I was too busy screaming, shrieking, crying, and clawing to get away. He held my hands together with one of his, keeping them out as he poured the liquid over my hands.

That was when Akamaru heard my screams and crying and ran into the room and bit, deep, into his leg.

When my mother found out what he had done, oh you bet he got a punishment. I remember her eyes lighting up in fury, seeing me crying and my hands swollen, my dad standing over me with a sadistic expression on his face.

Needless to say, she divorced his sorry butt and she scared him off. The Hokage was quick to hear what had happened and made it as quick as possible to get divorced. So, I guess, now that he's gone, I'm safe from him.

"Oh, um, they still hurt a lot. When I put some pressure on my hands it hurts a lot. Also, I can still feel the burning feeling sometimes. Why did he do that...? Did I do something wrong?..." I choked out, my throat tightening.

"Kiba, you did not do anything wrong, he was an... a-hole... yeah that's the word." Obviously my sister didn't want to curse in front of mom in front of me, but I still appreciated her comfort.

Her arms wrapped around me and I felt safe and secure, like nothing was ever going to hurt me again, but it probably will. I registered I was still in her arms when Akamaru barked.

"Kiba! Kiba! I'm hungry! Can you please give me something?" He barked. I immediately got up and fed him and renewed his water.

Author's Note:

I literally could not find one where they are just kids and are -(not sexual)- so I made my own!

Next Chapter will be Kankuro's pov because yeah :), remember to vote, comment, or just add them to your reading list.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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