A Dream

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(Planes and boats filled the landscape, firing on each other)

(A silhouette appears at the top of a mountain overlooking the chaos)

Indiana Jones: "The Nazis, the Thuggee cult, and the interdimensional beings. I hate these guys."

(A plane flew in close and he attached his whip onto it, it pulled him through the air)

Indy: "Thanks for the lift, Jock!"

Jock: "I can't believe you made me give up Reggie!"

Indy: "I hate him, Jock! I hate him!"

(Indy jumped off and landed on the nearest boat)

Thuggee: "Kali Ma!"

Indy: "Kali Pa!"

(Punches him overboard)

(Nazis attacked him but he tripped one with his whip and kicked the other two off the boat)

(A flying saucer floated above him)

Indy: "Sorry Ox."

(He shoots the center of it and it comes crashing down into the water)

(Then Belloq, Mola Ram, Donavan, Spalko and Voller emerge from the ship)

Indy: "No..you're all dead.."

Belloq: "Come join us, Jones."

(Indy woke up in bed next to Marion)

Marion: "Nightmare?"

Indy: "Yeah."

(He got up and remembered the funeral tomorrow)

Indy: "Damn."

Marion: "What is it?"

Indy: "Just remembered."

Marion: "About Helena?"

(Indy nodded)

Marion: "I was thinking of going, are you?"

Indy: "..maybe.."

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