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A school bus bobs back and forth as the six members of the st. cassian chamber Choir prepared to go on their field trip to the fall fair. Some where in the middle of the bus was a girl named Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg. She is 17 years old and the top of her class. She's had straight A's since grade 4. She thinks very highly of herself and puts others down in the light of it. Ocean is like this because of the immense pressure her parents put on her to be perfect, calling her names and encouraging her to rise to superiority. She new it was wrong, but as long as she was winning, she didn't care.

Ocean had recently convinced their choir leader, Father Marcus, that their choir should perform at their local "Fall Fair". After a bout of bargaining, she convinced him that it was for the best that they get out of their town, though they only were about two miles south of it.

She was starting to dose off on the bus sottting next to her best friend for life, Constance Blackwood. She was a chubby girl with afro puffs in her hair. She was fine where she was, just living her life and not having to worry about her future just yet. She was content with the unknown. That bothered ocean.

"Ocean, you tired, girl?" Constance asked.
"No, No." She realized that she was slowly resting her head on Constance's shoulder. She quickly picked her head up. She would never let herself be caught being so vulnerable. She never let her act up.

"I'm just... Bored." Ocean spat at her.
"It's ok ocean! The fair is just over there!" Constance informed her as she pointed out the window.
"Oh?" Ocean hadn't realized how much time has passed, and as the bus pulled into the parking lot, she perked back up.
"Oh, I am so exited for this! I am going to win this competition!" Ocean said, proud of herself.
"We are going to win this competition." Noel corrected.

Ocean couldn't stand Noel. He was so dramatic. He challenged Ocean judgement that all gay dudes are fun to be around. They feuded often and they never really knew when or how it started.

They pulled into a parking space and the choir started fileing out, with ocean first, of course. When her feet touched the gravel ground, she glanced around to see the towering roller coasters. She smelled the fair ground smell of fresh grass and the joy of kids stuffing their faces with over priced corn dogs. Her sences were inturupted when she her the faint sound of basic commercialized rap music. She immediately knew who this was. Mischa Bachinski.

Ocean was always interested in Mischa. He moved here from Ukraine and barley knew english. He enrolled into tutoring since he also didn't have very good grades. It just so happens that Ocean does the tutoring program and had to tutor Mischa. She taught him most of his english. When he showed up in the choir, she was surprised. She never thought of him as the singing type, especially not with his broken English. It turns out he was only enrolled because he stole three boxes of communion wine and this was his community service for it.

When Mischa got there, he but on a tough, gangster-like persona, which was odd to Ocean. He was never like this when they were by themselves. She figured it was just his way of keeping himself un-vulberable.

"Ocean, you ride big wheel ride?" Mischa asked in his thick Ukrainian accent. He pointed up at the Ferris wheel.
"You mean the Ferris wheel? Maybe. They kinda freak me out, not gonna lie." She said.
"Do you wanna ride it with me? It's no fun by yourself." Mischa said.
"Why didn't you ask Noel? Arent you two like... Best friends?" Ocean questioned.
"Well, yes, he is my best friend. But, I would rather go on the... Uh... Feral wheel with you!" Mischa said, stumbling over his english.
"Ferris wheel" Ocean corrected.
"I hate english." Mischa said.

"Hey guys!" Constance called to everyone. "We should all go on the cyclone!"
"Cyclone? What's that?" Noel asked.
"Well, I'm not sure, but Ricky wants to go on it."
Ricky gave the choir a smile. Ricky was born mute and only Constance knew sign language fluently. Ocean knew a bit, but only enough to communicate with Ricky sometimes. Ocean babies Ricky big time. She treats him like a little child just because he can't talk and has to use crutches for his knees buckling. She the only reason he's in the choir. He doesn't want to be, but Ocean wanted to promote the accessibility of the choir.

Ricky turned to Constance and used sign language. Ocean could only pick out a few words. The words Tell and People. Constance nodded at him and turned to the rest of the choir. "He wanted me to tell you guys that it's a big roller coaster."
"Is it a big roller coaster? Those scare me." Noel squeled as he look at the people being hurled over the top of the big roller coaster in front of them.
"Do not be of wimp, Noel Gruber. Come."
Mischa said, grabbing Noel's hand and running into the park.
"Mischa, wait for us!" Ocean yelled at them. They didn't stop.

They all ran to quickly catch up to them.
"Constance, can you ask Ricky where the cyclone is placed in the park?" Mischa asked
"Sure!" Constance said. She then repeated the question to Ricky in sign language and then he answered back.
"He told us it's just down that path" She said pointing down a path.
"Alright. Noel Gruber, you are getting on that roller coaster."
Noel was yelling as Mischa dragged him to the coaster, walking faster than the rest of us.

When we got there, I realized it didn't look the safest. It was a rickety wooden coaster. Mischa bought tickets for everyone and shoved Noel in the line, then walked in himself. I walked in after, then Constance, then Ricky.

"Hey Mischa?" Ocean said quietly.
"Yes Red?" Mischa said, using his usual nickname for ocean.
"I'm worried about this coaster too. It doesn't look at safe." Ocean said, nervously laughing.
"Oh, jeez, don't make me drag you too!' Mischa yelled, laughing
"Mischa, you know it's bad when me and Ocean actually agree on something." Noel said, nervously chuckling, still obviously scared about going on this roller coaster.
"I just don't think this is a very good idea, that's all." Ocean defended.
"Aw, guys! Red is scared!" Mischa said, teasing her.
"Am not!"

As the group continued to bicker, they came closer to getting on. Oceans tears grew more and more. Finally, after q long time of waiting, they were seated on to their cart. Mischa made Ocean sit in the front with him to prove she's not scared, Noel was next and Constance sat with him for moral support, and Ricky in the back. But there was one more person next to Ricky that Ocean didn't pay attention to.

Before Ocean could look back at the person, the ride shot into motion, climbing up the drop hill. She felt herself already wanting to scream. It was a very large drop hill.
"Guys, look! I can see my house from up here!" Constance said, looking over the side of the cart. They were rising quite fast, ocean didn't even question it. She snuck a look over the edge of the seat.

It seemed as though she could see the entire town. Everyone on the streets looked like tiny ants to her. Going about there life as she observed, and they would never know she was looking. She wondered how many times people watched her walk with Constance to the Blackwood cafe, or when her and Mischa would walk home together after tutoring.

Just then they came to a stop at the apex of the drop. Everyone was dead silent. Then suddenly, they were hurled over the edge. Everyone was screaming, either from fun or fear. They were going up and down, side to side. They were approaching the climax of the ride, the big loop-de-loop. The began up and suddenly there was a loud cracking sound. Ocean shut her her eyes as tight as possible.

Something was wrong, the motion was off. It felt like they were falling, but not on the track. She opened her eyes, and looked twords the ground. They were off the track and falling to there deaths. Everyone was screaming before everything went completely silent, then black.

(Sorry for the crappy writing 😥)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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