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It's all very blurry. I can't tell where I am. I feel like I'm flying, but also grounded. I can't breathe, but I don't need too. I do my best to remember, but memories come back in small groups. But, I remember what happened on that day... Yes, the day that I died.

All I can remember is riding with my choir to our local fair on a very unstable school bus. Our choir director, Father Marcus, had rented one for us. There were only five kids in our choir, but he somehow convinced the school board to lend us a school bus for our choir trip. We were set to perform at the local "Fall fair" after I had begged father Marcus to let us go. We weren't allowed to take trips outside of our Town in Saskatchewan, so I figured that was the best place we had.

The kids in our choir were... Interesting, to say the least. It consisted of me, the most successful girl in the whole town, my best friend Constance, a sarcastic gay boy named Noel, a boy from the Ukraine who made bad rap music named Mischa, and a boy who was mute named Ricky. I could stand some of them, others, not so much, but our choir wouldn't feel complete without these wacky personalities.

First off, Constance Blackwood. In our yearbook, she won the award, "Nicest girl in town" for three years in a row. I feel like that sums her up pretty well. We've been best friends since pre-k. I always envy her ability to go though life, not caring about the outcome of her actions. But she's a very lucky girl. Her parents run the Blackwood cafe, the hottest spot in all of our Town, Uranium.

As for Noel, I can't stand him. He was so dramatic. He changed my stereotype that all gay dudes were pleasant to be around. We feuded often but he usually won.

Mischa Bachinski was interesting to me. He had a bad upbringing. He used to live in Ukraine before his mom died, than he was forced to come to America with his not-so-loving foster parents. He speaks broken English,so he struggled with his english grade. He enrolled into the tutoring program at school, and it just so happens that I do it. I would go over to his house on the weekends to tutor him. When he showed up at the choir, she was surprised. According to him, he was enrolled as punishment for stealing three boxes of communion wine for his four year old cousin's  birthday. Around this time he was always on his phone, either listening to crappy rap music, or texting his online girlfriend. I keep telling him that I'm pretty sure he's getting catfished. He believes it's true love. I hate that.

And finally, Ricky Potts. I don't know much about him. At a young age he developed some disorders that made him go mute and his knees buckled. I got him into the choir. I just knew deep down he would've loved to sing.

And Ocean- Thats me. I am most definitely the most successful girl in town. When among my parents, I don't belong. They don't expect anything of me, but it seems like they never remember they even had me. I always make sure I'm the best, mostly for them. Maybe if I succeed at everything, they'll notice me. That's why I envy Constance. Her parents love her no matter what. Mine don't.

We had all filed out of the bus and on the the mulch outside the fair. Mischa came up to me
"Ocean, you ride the uh, the big wheel ride?" Mischa asked in his thick Ukrainian accent. He pointed up at the Ferris wheel.
"You mean the Ferris wheel? Maybe. They kinda freak me out, not gonna lie." I said. I had always been afraid of those things ever since I read a story about one of them breaking.
"Do you wanna ride it with me? It's no fun by yourself." Mischa said.
"Why didn't you ask Noel? Arent you two like... Best friends?" I questioned.
"Well, yes, he is my best friend. But, I would rather go on the... Uh... Feral wheel with you!" Mischa said, stumbling over his english.
"Ferris wheel" I corrected.
"I hate english." Mischa said.
"Anyway, we have to perform first. Maybe we can go on the rides after!" I said, trying to postpone riding that big wheel of doom.

I pulled out my map of the fair and starting directing the choir to the stage we would be performing at.
"Why do we trust Ocean with directions, don't you guys remember last time were we got lost in our own school trying to find the storage closet?" Noel said, embarrassing me.
"Well who else would handle directions how the choir other than the section leader for the sopranos!" I chimed back.
"Constance." Noel responded
"Oh, not me! I have to do the L thing when figuring out the left from the right." Constance said, nervously giggling
"Fine, than Mischa." Noel said
"I think oceans doing a good job though." Mischa said
"Fine, Ricky." Noel retorted
Ricky looks up as if he was just jolt away from being zoned out, which is probably true.
"Your point?" I ask sarcastically
"Ugh, fine." Noel shouted

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