// 1 Enzo //

60 6 8

"This would be a fun experience, Enzo. I don't think you need to worry about it,"

"Yeah, right... fun..."

Fun is the least compatible word to describe this hellhole unless you are a person who is enthusiastic about drowning trees, heavy rain, wet grass and endless cold nights. I don't understand the point of being in this 'camp'. It was him. He was the one who dragged me into this trip. Am I even surprised at this point? Of course, he carries a heavy baseball bat over his shoulder and has probably been stepping on bushes more than I have. Besuffy is more of an outdoor bush guy, but this is a new level of 'camping'.

The track became steeper and steeper. A simple hill incline became a Mount Everest hike. Whoever chose this campsite is an insane maniac. There is no way they are sane enough to carry all their camping gear at such a high altitude. My backpack weighed on me like shackles pulling me by the ankle. I swear I packed less than required. Heck, I haven't even covered half of that list. But it felt like I had been carrying a baby elephant in my backpack. I looked up in front of me, nine people in front of me. Of course, I was the one to be at the back.

"Is Enzo alright back there?" Katdy asked with a glee in her eyes. Even a furry enjoys going through this torture.

"I'll be okay! I'm just not experienced," I replied, forcing a smile.

Great. Everyone in line had stopped. Once we do stop, it becomes more challenging to start hiking again. Thanks, Katdy. You were accommodating. 

"Maybe we should take a break before we continue," Ava suggested, looking back at the group.

No. Ava. You are making it worse!

"It's fine! I can go on! Really!" I replied, convincing the group to continue walking.

Hazi looks over at the foggy landscape beside him. We had started hiking four hours ago. Trees gradually shrink in height the further we look into the valley. It was dark but light enough to see without a torch. Wild fungi grew on some of the rotting logs. Birds began making a racket in hopes of waking the Sun. The landscape was nothing but a cloudy mess. Otherwise, it was a fabulous natural painting. 

"Breakfast time will arrive after that Sun comes up," Hazi spoke, keeping his head down to the wet patch of dead leaves, "I'm sure a quick snack break wouldn't hurt. I think everyone would be hungry at this point,"

"Thank goodness, I'm starving!" Dake sighed in relief, immediately dropping his stuff onto the forest floor.

One by one, everyone stepped aside, opened the small pockets of their hiking packs and began digging into their snacks. I had no choice but to sit down with them. I lay my backpack down, pull out a towel and place it on the floor to keep my bottom from getting wet. I know. Disgusting. But I can always wash it when we get to that camping point. I looked over at Besuffy.

"Hey, Be! Wondering if you have the packet of dried mango?" I asked as he turned around.

"Of course I do! I have it in the left pocket,"

He slowly unzips his camping bag before handing me the plastic packet of treats. I have to admit it. I got hungry from all that hard work from my legs. I slowly chewed on the sweet fruit treat. My peaceful time was later interrupted by a high-pitched scream. It almost made me deaf.


Good old Tetsu. She never gets old. She claimed she had hiked once before, but I don't think she has ever hiked a mountain scattered with tiny, disgusting critters. Star, on the other hand, wasn't very impressed. He glared at Ael, who was hiding a grin under that helmet. 

"Ael! You were supposed to warn us about the leeches in this place!" Star gritted his teeth, "weren't you in charge of searching the hazards of this place?"

"Yeah, I know," Ael responded in a sadistic tone, "I just thought it would be best to learn the hazards the hard way,"

While Tetsu's eyes were bulging into fear, Dake attempted to calm her nerves. Besuffy decided he couldn't take it anymore and looked up at the line.

"Do you guys know who is in charge of First Aid?" Besuffy asked.

"Good question, who even is in charge?" Dake said with worry in his eyes.

"I am! I got slips of paper just in case we have leeches on the trip!"

Oh, hell no. Who even assigned this responsibility list? She is the least trusted person to handle essential equipment. It's not rocket science for a toddler to know why.

"Oh, thank goodness! Thanks, Hazard!" Tetsu replied, concerned but grateful. 

Hazard. The name itself explains it all. Her innocent smile and remarks are hiding something. She is a girl with a red beanie that is a monster. She even insisted on bringing her bazooka into the camping trip. 

"No problem! :]" she answered with an innocent face, unpacking her hiking bag before pulling out the required tools and handing it down to Dake, "can you please pass these down to Tetsu? ^^"

The slips of paper slowly get passed down the line until they reach Tetsu's hands. She doesn't have just a slip but a handful of thin pieces of paper. She looked back at the line in confusion. Hazard had just dumped about fifteen slips of paper into her hand. I am not even surprised something like that was pulled from that girl, mainly because she's-- well-- a hazard.

"Umm, Hazard? Why did you give me this much?" Tetsu questioned her friend.

That was the wrong response from Tetsu. Hazard turned around. She was giving off that cheerful grin again.

"Well, you know! ^^ Just in case you panicked and dropped one. or two. or ten-"


The red beanie girl chuckled as she carried on chewing off her packed fruit jerky. Besuffy just laughed at her commentary.

"Ha, classic Hazard!"

After two more hours of gruelling pain, we were at the summit. The wind howled over the high trees and froze the cold forest floor. I could see the black, slimy tube-mouths tightly clinging to the wet tall grass. A concentrated mist filled the air. Not only it is cold, but it is drenched with soaked leaves and branches.

And just as I thought this camp could get any better...

They are among you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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