regrets and anxiety

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Authors note;

(Umm so maybe the title of the first part was NOT supposed to be "James parentless". I wrote it at 12 AM and didn't realize I hadn't changed it till I woke up the next morning, so whoopsie 🤷Also Im sorry if this isnt that good I wrote the first part as a silly little joke cause i was bored and forgot people could read what I wrote!!!)

It was nice to finally be on the ground after a 10 hour flight, Aiden and James both stretched their limbs out as they stood in the airport in Sao Paulo. Aiden stared out the windows like a kid outside a candy store, it was the early hours of the morning and the lights in the city looked beautiful. He was in awe, he was so confused why James had told him there was nothing to see, because Aiden thought the opposite.

They both got into their uber and Aiden immediately decided to take a quick nap, he hadn't gotten much sleep on the plane and was pretty tired. He took a nap and rested his head on James' shoulder, he was too tired to notice how much James was nervously fiddling with his hands.

James was a nervous wreck, he hadn't seen most of his family members in months. The only people in his family that he kept in contact with were his siblings, and even then he didn't talk to them often. James knew how badly Aiden wanted to know about his family, Aiden had shared everything about how his father had left and how all he had was his mom.

James wanted to tell Aiden, but he wasn't sure how Aiden would react. Aiden knew that James used to be really egotistical and self-centered, he had seen how James used to act on Disventure Camp. But Aiden didn't exactly know just how self-centered James had been at the start of his career, James had been 10x worse.

James was too scared to admit that, at least to Aiden. So he kept quiet about his family life and changed the topic each time it was brought up, but now here they were right in his home town, and James knew he would need to face his past mistakes soon.

James and Aiden arrived at their hotel, the building was so big it made Aiden's jaw drop. He had stayed in some pretty nice hotels in Europe, but this hotel was beyond nice, it was luxury. They dragged their suitcases through the lobby, grabbing their hotel room key as they headed up the elevator.

Aiden was still tired and the both of them were ready to take a long power nap before visiting the city. They reached their room, flopped on their shared bed, and fell asleep. They were both anticipating the day they had ahead of them of touring the city and looking at the sights.

James knew Aiden was going to ask a lot about his parents, there was no way James could hide his past mistakes for any longer. James would have to face these mistakes sooner than later, and it would have to be on this vacation.


(cliffhanger cause im lazy)
(I started writing this like two weeks ago and ik if i keep writing its gonna take me a month to actually post 😭 tbh idk if im even gonna keep making parts, this all started as a joke soo... ya.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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