Charlie sick

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Nicks PoV:

My poor Charlie has a pretty bad stomach bug and he has to rest. He hates it so much what I completely understand. Charlie wants to do everything because he has the control then. He is now stuck in bed to rest and he wants to be with our 3 little ones but he can't and that is pretty sad.

My mom comes over to help because taking care of 3 little babies alone is pretty hard and stressful. My mom loves children and our children love their granny.

Nick hunny can you get me a diaper please for Henry? She asks me.
Yeah of course here you go.

My mom changed Henry his diaper and she told me he has a pretty red ass so I have to put cream on that.

My mom teaches me al lot of things for the little ones because it really new for me.

Nellie is on her play mat and she is starting to brabbel and it's so cute to hear her do that. Every time she does that i almost melts.

I am making some food for Charlie so he can eat something and my mom is looking after the little ones.

I put Charlie's food on his bedside table because he is deep asleep and I don't want to wake him. He is really tired and he feels really sick. I change the bucket that was beside our bed because it's full. He throws up everything that he has in his system.

A few months later:

Charlie is better and he is catching up a lot of time with the little ones.

Our little babies start crawling around the room so we put a fence in front of our kitchen and stairs. It's pretty dangerous and we don't want anything to happen to them.

I noticed that Charlie has a little bit trouble with his eyes. Sometimes he doesn't see things pretty well and I first thought it was from him being tired but it's getting worse and I am starting to get a little worried.

Hey baby let's go to the doctor. I say.
Babe we can't we don't have someone to look after Lilly, Nellie and Henry.
I will ask my mom don't worry.
You know I hate the doctor so why do we have to go?
I am worried about your sight.
Ugh fine we can go.

My mom comes over to look after the little ones.

The doctor does some tests on Charlie and he looks over with a bit concerned face.

(D= doctor, n= nick , c= Charlie)
N: doctor what is it?
D: he is starting to lose his eye sight.
N: so you mean he is going blind?
D: yeah, it will lake him a few years to go fully blind.
N: is there something you can do to stop that from happening?
D: unfortunately no, it's in his genes so it's pretty hard to change that.
C: but how am I going to do that with our children?
D: you will get some glasses for now and you come every 2 months so we can see how your eyes are and if you need different glasses.
N: okay thank you

We are back home and you can notice from Charlie body language that he is scared and sad.
Babe everything will be okay. I say to him. 
No it will not in a few years I won't see my children grow up anymore and I don't want to be a burden to you because I can't see anything. He says while crying.

My mom is cleaning a bit because it's a bit of a mess and my mom doesn't like that.

Hey boys already back? She asks when we walk in the house.
Charlie walks upstairs and sit in the bedroom.
Is he okay dear? My mom asked me.
No not really.
What's up?
Charlie is going blind.
Omg poor thing.

Charlie is asleep in bed and he feels really shit what I can understand. Lilly is really attached to Charlie so she is crying all the time and I am trying to settle her but it takes a few hours.

I noticed that Lilly is starting to get some breasts already and I am starting to worry because her stomach also grows.

I will go with her to the hospital tomorrow.

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