❝ᴛᴡᴏ❞ ┆ Lacrosse

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THANTOPHOBIA; 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡; 𝐃𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠


Isabella dragged both Allison and Lydia as Jackson left to get ready for practice. They found a bench to sit on as they all crossed legs, watching out on the field. Someone had caught Allison's eye once more, of course it was Scott, they were both staring at each other before Scott was caught by coach. Isabella sighed and turned her gaze to Lydia who had been staring at Jackson warming up. She sighed once more and looked down, seeing Stiles on the side line. 

"Who is that? " Allison said, staring at Lydia for answers. "Him? " Lydia answered, staring at Scott. Lydia didn't talk to Scott nor any of his friends, she probably didn't know him. Allison stayed silent, looking at Scott with memorized eyes, "I'm not sure who he is." Lydia replied before Isabella spoke up. "That's Scott, Scott McCall." She spoke silently as she leaned her elbows on her knees as she watched Allison nod. 

"How do you know him Bella? " Lydia questioned, raising an eyebrow towards Isabella, "He's in almost all of my classes." Isabella stated, feeling herself being watched by a figure, she turned around to face the woods that was behind the side line, she stared aimlessly into the dark forest. She gained full body shivers as she turned back around to move slightly closer to Lydia and Allison. 

"Is it just me or all today iv feel like I'm being watched ." She mumbled, her lips making a thin line as she slowly tuned her head down to face Lydia's and Allison's sarcastic worrying glares. "Oh silly, you're fine. Nobody is watching you." Lydia said with cheeky smile, referring it was probably one of the boys staring her off. She wrapped her arm around Isabella in a comfort and watched Jackson from afar.

"McCall! " Coach shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. "Yes Coach? " Scott coughed, Allison was watching him like a hawk. "You're on goal." Coach implied, feeling slightly distressed. "But, I've never played."

"Well Today you are, give the boys a little confidence. First day back thing, lets go! " Coach mimicked.

"What about me? " Scott called out before Coach could sprint back to the side line. "Try not to take any in the face." Coach sprinted back next to Stiles, sitting down next to him as he blew the whistle. As he did, Scott fell to his knees in a state of despair, Isabella's and Allison's eyebrows knitted together as they looked at each other in a state of confusion, Lydia butted in, "Probably scared of whistles or something, hmph" She mumbled, eyes still glued to Jackson as all of the lacrosse players lined up in a line, Scott got back up weakly and before he could react, he got smacked in the face by a ball and was send back flying back into the goal. "Hey, way to catch with you're face McCall! " Jackson yelled out feeling proud of himself as Scott struggled to get up with major pain in the back of his head. 

Scott got back up in a rage, feeling defeated as he adjusted his back, hoping his racket as the next person was ready to throw the ball. As they did, not in a blink of a eye can catch that ball that had been caught in Scott's racket, everyone stood there dumbfounded, "yeah!" Stiles said as he took a second to load, he made a peep with excitement, making Isabella notice before looking at Scott, seeing him defeat everyone in lacrosse of being the goalie.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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