GlitchTraps Color Room

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"Watch out!" Bryan shouted as a green ball of energy was sent out of GlitchTraps gun and made its way towards Baby. Baby stared at the green light and stayed in her place frozen in shock. Helpy looked towards Baby and quickly jumped towards her, pushing Baby out of the way and taking her place. A loud scream echoed as Helpy crashed to the floor, her eyes empty. Bryan stared at his lifeless friend on the floor, the one person who had been with him since the beginning, one of the few animatronics who knew exactly what SpringTrap had put him through. GlitchTrap laughed mocking the animatronics heroic act and aimed his gun once more, set straight towards Molten.

"Molten move!" Bryan shouted, pulled out of his previous state of shock.

"Bryan, grab Helpy and get out of here. I can take the hit," Molten said, his eyes fixated on the gun slowly gaining light as it warmed up, preparing to knock down Molten and anything else in his path.

"Bryan cmon!" Baby said while kneeling down to grab Helpy. Bryan looked back and forth from GlitchTrap back to Molten, his heart beating a million times a minute. Nothing was supposed to happen to Molten and Helpy, that was what Helpy said so many nights ago when Bryan had been crying in his room. Molten was supposed to be indestructible and Helpy was supposed to always weasel her way out of any sense of danger-

"I can take it," Molten said staring right down the barrel of the gun fixated at his chest.

Except there was no 'always' or 'indestructible' in real life. In real life people die, and nothing lasts forever. The realization crashed onto Bryan as he saw GlitchTrap pull the trigger. Bryan felt his heart beat in his chest. Bryan put one foot in front of the other, almost moving out of reflex. He rushed forward towards Molten trying to save him, the ball of energy closing in.

"No!" Bryan shouted, attempting to jump in front of the bullet, his legs feeling rushes of pain as adrenaline allowed him to push his limits, yet it wasn't enough. He felt a crunch in his knee and as he fell to the ground, to low to take the hit. The bullet crashed into Molten, and a loud clattering noise rang threw Bryans ears as he watched Molten fall along with the sound of glass breaking. A green leaking orb fell out of a pocket in Moltens wires, Bryans eyes widened as the green light started leaking out of the portal timer. Bryan shakily forced himself up and tried to grab Molten, his leg throbbing.

"Bryan we need to go!" Baby shouted running towards Bryan to pull him away. Bryan felt his arm get pulled away from his deceased friend despite the fact his grip hadn't failed, his feet barely managing to pass each other as he was forced forward, his two friends left behind. He heard Glitchtrap's confused shouts from behind him as a green light quickly grew behind the two fleeing individuals, a cold yet burning sensation tickling their backs.  Bryan felt his body be thrown forward, his shoulder nicking the edge of the portal used to enter the dreaded colorful room. Pain shot threw his right shoulder as he fell through the portal and crashed onto the portal room floor.

"Bryan!" Twisted Bonnie shouted as he turned to try and help his fallen friend. He took a step forward before a blast of green light shot through the portal, sending him flying against a pillar. An ear-piercing clang filled the room as the metal animatronic crashed into the pilar, causing Bryans ears to ring. After the light subsided and the wind died down Bryan forced himself up feeling disoriented as sharp pains shot through him. The world spun beneath him as he pushed himself up, his back arms and legs flaring. He looked over towards the portal; Baby was nowhere in sight.

"Bonnie?" Bryan rasped out. Bryan looked towards the pillar from which his friend layed, the light barely shining in his eyes. There was definingly some damage to his systems, but nothing to permeant. Bryan forced himself up, his arms shaking under his weight. The pillars seemed to be a bit more chipped than before, and the once lively vines that covered the room lay on the floor, burnt to a crisp. Bryan grabbed his phone out of his pocket, through the mostly destroyed screen he could make out an "F" on the incoming call title and hit answer. 

"Bryan-" Freddy began to say.

"Portal room- help," Bryan choaked out before he felt the room give out underneth him and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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