Chapter 3: Hold on Tight it's a Rollercoaster Ride We're On

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It's been a week since Lisa and her two best friends landed in Los Angeles with the girl's family for vacation. The events from that first day are still replaying in their heads. They often wonder if they would ever see the girls from Fifth Harmony around while walking the street one day.

The beach house turned out to be everything they could've dreamed of staying in. It was close to the beach, had nice views of the sunset, and very spacious and cozy. Even though it was technically rented out as her father's vacation house, it didn't bother Lisa's mom, because he hasn't been in Lisa's life ever since her parents divorced when she was three.

Lisa woke up from her bed and got dressed, ready for todays's activities. She headed downstairs to eat breakfast that her grandma was making.

"Morning, abuelita! What's for breakfast?" Lisa asks.

"Good morning, mija. I'm making your favorite chocolate chip pancakes." She replies.

As Lisa sits down on one of the bar stools, her mom, Irma, comes up from behind and scares her. As Lisa gets startled by the scare, she spills her orange juice on the table.

"Aah! Mom, you scared me!" The kitchen gets filled with laughter from the mother and daughter.

"Aye, Irma! You almost gave me a heart attack" Lisa's grandma says. She peers her eyes at the spilt justice on the table. "Look at the mess you had my granddaughter make!"

Lisa's mom smirks, unapologetic. "Well, at least it's a juicy start to the day."

"So what are our plans for today, mom?" Lisa questions.

"How about some beach time?"

Chamile enters the kitchen, coming down from the stairwell. Dalton follows slightly behind her.

"Beach time, you say?" She smiles amusingly.

Dalton grins, "I could use some beach time after all the walking we've been doing these past three days."

Lisa's mom claps her hands. "So it's agreed! Beach time till lunch, then we will plan something else for the afternoon."

The family arrives at Venice Beach, ready for a day of relaxation and fun. Dalton and Lisa's aunt engage in a friendly sandcastle-building competition. Lisa's mom sets up a quick game of beach volleyball, and the family members (minus Lisa's uncle) join in for some friendly competition. The best friend trio explore the shoreline, collecting colorful seashells as souvenirs. Finally, the family takes a refreshing dip in the ocean to cool off and have some water fun.

As everyone was slowly getting annoyed with the sand going into their swim suits, Lisa sees a familiar brunette slouched in a chair wearing sunglasses. Without telling her family, Lisa approaches the girl.

"Fancy seeing you here?" Lisa smiles.

Camila looks up taking off her sunglasses and smiles wide. "Lisa! What a surprise." She looks at the girls appearance, Lisa was dressed in a one piece swim suit. "Beach day?"

Lisa nods. "Yeah, trying to enjoy it, but the sand is relentless." She looks away from Camila. "So what brings you here?" She asks.

Camila settles up on the chair. "Needed a break from the city chaos. Thought the beach would be the perfect escape."

"Why is that?" Lisa asks.

Camila chuckles. "You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

The younger girl looks away blushing. She then gets the courage to sit down and look at the older girl with a curious expression.

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