Single; "The king of pop."

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20:45 (08:45 PM)

(Name) didn't knew how they got here. Kissing their boyfriend of 10 months harshly and getting things scalated really quickly, when they were just doing their daily skin care routine and getting ready to bed. But the shivers he gave down their spine couldn't let the lover of the greatest musician of all times think straight.

Michael pushed them down the bed, pinning his love under him. They locked gaze for a few seconds before kissing again; but a bit lighter this time. He'd soon be snapping up some other body parts of (Name).

As for (Name), they couldn't hold back their loud sights of satisfaction and anticipation when the singer let go of their mouth and started kissing - more like sucking - their neck, while roaming his hands through their now sensitive body that showed clear signs of arousal.

Michael felt the growing imprint down his lover's pajama pants (Or was it his own?)when he started shaking his hips frontwards; creating a pleasurable friction on both of their crotches, which worked: Because moaning was uncontrollably pouring out of (Name)'s swollen lips.

They whimpered something inaudible. - Michael... - They whine. Now Jackson wanted to hear more. Way more.

An idea popped into the brilliant head. He licked his lips, thinking he had the hottest shit to ever say during this intimate moment.

Michael took of his mouth from their neck, slowly going up. That took (Name)'s attention, who followed his movements. He stayed face to face with them, ready to dirty talk.

- Do you want the King of pop to suck your lollipop?

Everything that he got was an immediate face of surprise from the other one, which made him worried for second. (Name) ended up sitting them up, as if they needed it to process what their boyfriend just said, while looking right into his now concerned face.

- Uh, (Name)? Are you okay, baby?... - He asked, quite regretful of what was said instants ago.

The other one just kept looking, trying to avoid a certain facial expression, that was later reveal as a smile. Their lips contorted until they couldn't hold it back anymore.

Michael's face turned annoyed when his joyfriend bursted ou laughing. It wasn't that funny....

... Okay, it was a bit cocky. But laughing at him was immature from them, wasn't it?

His eyes followed as (Name) kept laughing so hard and rolling on the bed. He wouldn't admit he smiled at their genuine demonstration of joy, though. Not that they would know, after all they were laughing to the point of being mute.

Now it was time to know how to get back to where they stopped...

10:30 (10:30 PM)

- Where's (Name)? - Janet asked taking another tiny spoon of her red berries ice cream.

- They said they'd get some sweets from home. - He said, looking around for them. - Oh, here they come! - He said with a sincere and light hearted smile towards his gorgeous spouse.

- I'm back! - They said. - Does the King of pop wants some lollipop? - They asked teasingly. This memory haven't lost its charm, even after years.

Janet chuckled. - What's that, an inside joke?

- Yeah. - Michael agreed, embarrassed. - You know, "king of pop", "lollipop" and the word play... - He trailed off.

Janet laughing, unfortunately letting her ice cream fall on her leg. - Awh, damnit!

Michael just ignored, bitterly regretting the day he made this muddy ass word play just to get his partner turned on. Let's say (Name) and their middle school boy humour would joke about it at every single opportunity just to haunt the artist of millennium. Like anyone would, if you asked me.

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