one. red, white, and summer blues

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red, white, and summer blues

red, white, and summer blues

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IT WAS JULY 3rd, 1995. Mary and her friend Abigail were watching reruns of Friends on NBC while her mother, Maxine, was making lemonade.  "Do you think Ross will ask out Rachel?" Mary asked, fanning herself with a magazine. "I hope so. Do you think they'll get together next season?"

"Yes! I can't wait any longer until we can finally watch Season 2." Mary and Abigail took turns fanning themselves with the magazine, praying that Mary's mom would hurry up making the cold refreshments.  Liam had just finished playing basketball in the backyard, coming in the living room.  "Hey, girls."

"Hi, Liam." The boy sat down next to them, rolling his eyes. "Seriously? Friends again? Why can't we watch something else?"

Mary lightly hit her brother's shoulder.  "Obviously because it's a good show! That and because I don't want to watch sports."

"Oh please.  It's because you have a big crush on Chandler." Liam stated.  "I do not!"

Abigail put a hand on Mary's shoulder.  "I'm going to have to agree with Liam on this one.  I mean, have you seen the posters in your room?"

"Fine, he's just so cute.  And plus, you have a crush on Uncle Jesse from Full House." Liam laughed, earning a glare from both girls. 

"Okay, fine.  But we can both agree that Joey is hot." Abigail stated, causing Mary to nod her head.  "Oh, what's that mom?  You need help in the kitchen? Okay, I'll be there!"

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