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Hunter woke confused

What am I doing here? Who is in my arms? Why am I in someone's bed!?

Then he remembered last night. He looked down to see Gus sleeping like a baby. Aww he's so calm and happy and cute. Wait, cute, no no no no not like that. But his eyes betrayed him as he found himself staring at the angelic boy sleeping peacefully for an unprecedented amount of time.

Uggggg I should get up and ready for the day but I don't want to wake him. So he stayed there careful not to move a muscle until Gus started to stir.

"Hmmmm" Gus grumbled


"Ahhhhh" Gus quickly sat up to see who was next to him. One second later he laid back down and put Hunter's arm back on himself.

"Umm Gus, we kinda gotta wake up."

"Nooo. What time is it?" Gus complained.

"7:15" said Hunter surprised with himself that he had stayed up for over an hour just staring at Gus.

"We have time, sleep."

Hunter wanted to object but he knew there was no point, plus he kinda liked holding Gus like that.

"Ok but we need to be up by 8, deal"

"Yep deal" and not 5 seconds later he was one again snuggled up against Hunter once again snoring his heart away.

Hunter still didn't fall asleep mostly because his heart was racing and a part of him was still extremely afraid of being late so he stayed up watching the clock tic occasionally sneaking a glance at Gus until it was 8AM sharp.

"Gus. Hey Gus, it's 8o'clock we agreed to get up now" Hunter said giving Gus a little nudge but if anything all that did was make Gus hold onto Hunter more. Making Hunter blush.

Calm down Hunter he's asleep he doesn't know what he's doing. Just wake him up.

Hunter squirmed away from him and moved him to a sitting position.

"Up, up Gus let's go eat breakfast" which finally prompted Gus to half wake up to stand and go upstairs to eat breakfast with Hunter following behind.

"Morning" Luz greeted "you're sure up late. Hunter, normally you would have woken up two hours ago."

"Well I fell asleep late last night so I was tired" said Hunter flashing Gus a don't tell her look.

"Well, Amity and I made waffles. Help yourself" Luz said.

"Thanks" Gus said as he and Hunter sat down to make a plate.

Gus began eating and quickly found out waffles aren't meant to have black spots.

"Mmm these are great, thank you Luz" Gus said in the most excited tone he could muster.

"Yep delicious" said Hunter then looking to Gus with distress making both boys laugh out loud.

Luz finally left so Gus said, "these taste absolutely disgusting" earning more giggles.

Neither one ended up finishing their food, sneakily dumping it in the trash.

"Well we should probably see what everyone's doing" said Hunter. Gus nodded so they both headed to where everyone normally hung out.

"Morning everybody" Gus said merrily walking into the room.

"Finally, you both took forever" Amity said. "Luz has a field trip to the history museum so she thought that we should go too to learn more about human history. Ms. Noce- I mean Camilla said it was ok as long as Vee comes to "chaperoned" us.

Gus couldn't hold in his excitement as he was jumping on his heals. " Really! We're gonna learn all about human's past and probably see old human trinkets!" he said squealing.

Aww he looks so adorable getting all excited about his hyper fixations Hunter thought as he chuckled. 

"Yep, all day so you two should go make yourselves look presentable because we're leaving at 9:30" Willow said.

With that Gus grabbed Hunter's wrist and rushed him out to go get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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