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"in the back of my mind,
i killed you"
~ d4vd


I have never really been a big romance person. I mean I've only had like two boyfriends in the past. And those were in middle school.

           I didn't give up on love, I'm a big believer in finding the love of your life. I also believe it'll come someday. I have the patience for it, and I have the time. So I don't want to rush-

*snap, snap* "hey jay!" my brother mikey totally disrupted me and my thoughts.

"what" I bluntly replied. "um hellooo??! we're here. in the studio. to practiceee!!!"
he has so much sas sometimes, I wonder if he's gay...

"HEY?! are you even listening to me?" i could smell his breath from here.

"mikey just leave her alone, you know she doesn't really need to. I mean she does twice the amount of work as we do."
"THANK. YOU. ALEX." alex winked at me. I swear alex is the only one who understands me.
i did both the singing and played the guitar for our band. call me superman.

"just please try to focus, we have a concert coming up." mikey walked away.
rolling my eyes, i got up from the couch and plug my guitar in.
we began to practice together, wrote more stuff down, yada yada.

          we were a metal band. we became pretty popular because we were so young and it was unexpected. we were close to the popularity of another band, they're called like tokio motel or something in the lines of that.

my thoughts being interrupted again, the studio door opened and our manager oscar walked in.
"hey rockstars!" he exclaimed.
"please. don't." mikey cringed. "mike who got your panties in a twist" i teased. he flipped me off.

"okay- um I came in here to let you know that you guys have a bunch of interviews scheduled for tomorrow."
we all groaned of annoyance.

"I know. I know. But you guys are a famous band, these things are bound to happen."
           "Okay thank you Oscar, we'll be ready by-" waiting for him to answer.
"by 10 am" he finished. "Alright see you guys." "byeee" we replied.

we finished practicing a couple songs and headed home. I was exhausted, from doing nothing really but, you know.

we arrived at our shared apartment and went into our separate rooms.
          "Good night fuckers" alex yelled from his room. He makes me sigh and think to myself sometimes.
            I took a quick body shower, brushed my teeth, and jumped straight into my bed.

I fell asleep thinking about my future and what it'll bring. All I had to do was trust that the man above had a plan for me.


"HEYYYYYY" "GET YOUR ASS UP" I was woken up by alex and mikey beating me up with pillows.
just great.

"get your big nalgas out of here. por favor."
they laughed and ran out of my room like a bunch of kids.

I lifted my sheets and checked my clock. it was 8 in the morning. are they crazy?! I had another whole hour. how are they even up that early??

I rubbed my eyes and walked into my restroom. goodness I looked like a mess.
          my hair was messy, I had dried up drool on my cheek, and I was missing one sock.

I brushed my tangled hair, which took at least five minutes and brushed my teeth.
I changed into my outfit for the day and put a bit of makeup on. I then headed to the kitchen, I was dying of hunger.

after we finished breakfast, i got a call from oscar. "hey, the driver should be arriving soon."
"okay thanks I'll let the boys know." I replied. "girls, the driver is getting here soon"

"not funny." mikey was always annoyed or being annoying. like pick a struggle. please.

*honk honk* "kids let's goooo" I yelled. I grabbed my purse, keys, and headed out.


we arrived at the first place, it looked like a warehouse. Once stepping in the woman at the front desk quickly escorted us to the lounging room.

we waited for about ten minutes, they had cookies set up in a platter on a glass table. We almost ate the whole plate. I felt kind of bad.

we got called up to start the interview. I had heard this interviewer was weird and uncomfortable, I just hoped they were rumors.

the camera began rolling, "anddd welcome insanity!" the interviewer introduced. we walked in, waving and smiling at the fake crowd and camera.

we sat down on the couch close to the interviewer. he began with "why don't you guys start by interviewing yourselves."

we all said our names and the instrument we played in the band.

"how long have you guys been together for?" "well since 2004, so about three to five years" I replied.

"wow so for a while huh?" "yeah" I nervously chuckled, this dude gave me weird vibes.

"why'd you guys decide to write metal music?" "we felt metal is a very powerful genre in the music industry. We also love the many types of metals from thrash to even nu-metal." mikey replied.

he continued asking a few question about the band and stuff like that. Until he got to a specific question. about me.

"So Jamie, how do you feel about relationships? Have you been into a relationship?"

This question took me by surprise, and shock. You could even see it in my facial expression. "Um well I don't think much about them, I haven't really been in a committed relationship before." I began.

"I do believe my time will come but in the meantime I'm really focusing on the band and music." I finished. I had gotten really nervous and I don't know why.

The interview quickly finished up and I sprinted away from the set. I wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

We got into the van and headed to our new destination. I really hoped the other interviews were not like this.

But it did make me realize, I'm I suppose to be in a relationship, and if so does it have to be everyone's business?

I mean ill never know until the time actually comes.

hallo! this is offically the first chapter of the book sacred! I think I did pretty well, seeing as it is my first. let me know if I need to work on anything! Or if the spelling is off. I would like some advice! That's all, bye! – desi

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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sacred - tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now