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I was being dragged out by two men who were supposed to be working under me but now they are dragging me out like this. I was conscious of my surroundings only that much that could recognize where i was. 

I was in the basement prison under the castle as I could remember i used to bring prisoners here and tortured them for information, that doesn't matter anymore. My life is going to end soon so what's the point in remembering that.

People say that when you are about to die Your whole life flashes Infront of your eyes, if it does then i will regret it seeing all those people again who betrayed me in the end. Were they even with me or were they planning to stab me in the back the moment i trusted them.

As, my thoughts went on i was dragged out Infront of many people some who pitied me and some who mocked me. I saw them and scoffed thinking about how it all turned out in the end only if i had not escaped that day and would have gotten sacrificed.

The guards who were dragging me put me in the lunette and the priest started saying the prayer as i looked at the people who were pitying me and saw her face in between them she said something and i read her mouth "save yourself next time my love" My eyes searched for her but couldn't find her. 

As the priest ended his prayer and asked for my final words i stayed silent for some time and then said "Sorry i couldn't bring justice to you" the words left my mouth and the executioner signaled for them to drop the blade as the blade dropped i saw a memory of her laugh and i smiled the blade fell and i saw darkness forever.

I saw myself floating through the darkness and thought about how my life went and regrated everything. I closed my eyes thinking this is the afterlife and then i felt someone touch my hand and I opened my eyes saw her again for a sec and got up seeing my surroundings a room confused i got up and went to the mirror seeing that it looked like I was 20 again. 

Was i really alive again or was i just imagining? I broke the glass and took a shard of it and stabbed my hand. It ached and the blood was flowing out like water, due to the voice of the glass breaking servants came rushing in and treated my hand. They treated my hand and cleaned the glass shards while i thought one thing only.

" I can have my revenge this time "

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