Let the class begin

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Education: one of the most vital things required for a person to thrive in life. A basic human right. Sadly, some people were unfortunate enough to not even be granted this basic simple need. Whether it was due to the conditions they grew up in, making education an impossible aim, or those around them refusing to teach them, the point still stands that they were ill-fated to never receive an education. This meant, in order to survive in this world they had to teach themselves because they'd forever be stuck at square one if their knowledge never grew greater than that of a toddler's. Luckily, due to the circumstances they lived in, knowledge and skills may become easier to obtain since without them there'd be no way to survive; they would be forced to learn them quick in order to avoid more pain and suffering. However, self-teaching can only get a person so far because eventually they'd reach a roadblock. Along the way to discovery, they will reach a formula, a sentence, an idea that we won't be able to comprehend and would need someone to walk them through it- this is where a teacher is essential.

The life of a teacher is one filled with highs and lows. At times it can be incredibly rewarding but at other times can be seriously frustrating. The annoyance of a student not listening or not even trying to comprehend what's being taught, and don't even mention the stress of keeping a whole class of thirty in check, making sure there's no bullying and they don't end up killing each other. Hell, it can be a lot at times. However, none of that means anything when compared to that blissful feeling from seeing the smile that appears on a student's face when they figure out a problem or that rewarding kindness of bringing a student out of their shell, making them feel comfortable to ask for help. Those were the kind of feelings that drew Kunikida to teaching in the first place and were the reason he enjoyed going to work each day. He may no longer be a teacher but those days of teaching will always hold a special place in his heart. Kunikida loved his job at the agency and wouldn't trade it for the world, but it would be a lie to say he didn't miss teaching... however those days of teaching may not be completely behind him.

Just as Kunikida was walking into the office, he was greeted by quite the unusual sight. Atsushi was sat at his desk, his head deep in paperwork, but that wasn't the thing that was unusual, what was unusual was the perplexed expression on his face. Atsushi looked so lost like he was faced with an incomprehensible problem but when Kunikida peered over his friend's desk, all he saw was some basic accounting sums. This muddled him because it wasn't something out of the ordinary. Each member of the agency had to fill out accounting forms to conclude all spendings that were work related for cases, even Dazai had to do this whenever Kunikida managed to force him to, so this was something Atsushi had done plenty of times before, yet he was struggling as if this was the first time he ever had to do this. What confused Kunikida even more though, was that the problem Atsushi was struggling over was a basic sum- ok maybe not as simple as 1 + 1 but it was still only double digit multiplication- any fourth grader could do it. Suddenly a realisation hit Kunikida- any fourth grader with an education could do it. Atsushi was normally fine at maths but he usually had a calculator, and sitting clearly on his desk was Atsushi's broken calculator. Has Atsushi been solely relying on his calculator before today? Has Atsushi never been given a proper education? Would that awful headmaster have bothered teaching the kid as well as traumatising him?

"Atsushi, are you doing ok there?" Kunikida asked, walking over to help. Moving closer it became apparent how badly the boy was struggling, Atsushi was counting on his fingers and was writing tallies to keep count.

"Um... well.. it's fine... I'm..." Atsushi sheepishly replied, trying to hide he was struggling to do a simple calculation. 

"Atsushi, I'm going to ask you an important question and i'm going to need you to answer honestly." Kunikida suddenly stated, a concerned tone lacing his voice, shaking Atsushi off guard. Kunikida waited a moment for Atsushi to respond, giving a quick nod, before continuing.

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