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Frosted wind comes to a rest at the door step of the hospital. The weight triggers the door and it opens for no one. An empty waiting room, to a busy hallway, to a packed room. She lays still but with a heaviness. Everyone has a tear to wipe or a hand to hold. You can feel everyone's hearts race, but one. One is slow, but treads on strong. She is so strong, has always been. Her warmth is intense, although she is cold to the touch you can still feel her fire. A fire that will forever keep each of us warm at the thought of her. We thank her for all the loving memories she made with us. We thank her for all the laughs she created. And we thank her for all the warm hugs and words she used to love us. Not a day will go by that we won't miss her.

We bow our heads and close our eyes to imagine us holding her hand as she crosses to a new place. A place of love and peace. We wish her the best on her journey and remind her we will meet with her again someday along this same path. Now, with heavy hearts, we can hear hers come to a rest. She will come to a door, to an empty waiting room, to a busy hallway, and to a packed room greeted by all her loved ones who've been waiting her arrival.

Thank you for being a gift in our lives,

we love you so much..

..your family.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 14 ⏰

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