Chapter 5

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"I told you, you can stop it. Save yourself, it is quite easy actually." The old man keeps telling me. I am back in my room trapped in the glass tub. I try using my legs to break the glass but like they can do any good for me.

"Don't you want to see that wolf of yours again." He now tells me. "Don't you want him t save you like he did the last time you saw him." I did, I really did want to see him, I miss that wolf so much. once again I close my eyes I know that i am not going to be able to last much longer. My body starts to get cold, I gasp for air only there is none. Water quickly starts to full my lungs and everything start to get dark. 

I know I am close to death. I think back to the day i met that beautiful wolf and i wish he were here to save me like that day. A loud growl rumbles throw me. Looking over towards the door I see him, that wolf that saved me standing next to the fire. He was much bigger than i remember.



My eyes fly open and i have no idea why I shifted into my wolf. The last thing i remember was falling after the pack doctors came in to help Katie. I find myself outside her room, once again the smell of smoke and blood was everywhere. 

Slamming my head onto the door it breaks open everything is on fire. Than i saw her, my Katie the bed that she was just in is gone and was replaced with a glass tub fulled with water. Her eyes were shut and her heart beat almost gone. 

Where the foot of the bed once was stands an elder man looking at me an devilish smiles forms on his face as he looks from me to Katie. A loud growl leave me as I flash my razor sharp teeth at the old man. Katie's blood shot eyes look over to me and she cracks a smile.

"See" The man said "I told you, you could do it if you tired." I lunge at him but when i finally reach him hes gone. Searching the room only too find that he has vanished. Turning my attention to Katie, who i know is at her ropes end with this damn water shit. 

Trying to shit back but its like i am only a wolf. I know she cant last much longer so I decied to do the next best thing. walking to the very end of the room I charge head first into the glass tub. Water races over the room taking much of the glass with it. Katie's body rolls onto the floor. 

I know that she need CPR but I cant do CPR as a wolf. What do i do? If i don't get the water out of her she'll die. The only other thing i can think of to do is hit her with my head but that's going to do more damage than good but its all I have. I ram my head on to her chest trying to force the water out of her lungs. Nothing happens I know that this is all I have. So I keep hitting her over and over again I know i am hurting her but its the only think i can do. 

She starts to cough out the water and gasp for air. I can't believe that it actually worked I wonder how much damage i did to her chest though.

"Katie." I say in my head. Katie slowly pulls herself onto her elbows, as she eyes open I see that they aren't brown they are green just like last time.

"Don't worry Brandon, it's just me." hold her hands up in surrender. How the hell am i going to talk to her when i am not human right now. "Oh, don't worry about that handsome I can read your mind I mean you are my mate after all."

"And just how are you able to read my mind?" I ask her

"Well since you are inside my head, or should i say Katie's its pretty easy to hear what you are saying since this is my own head we are in." 

"How are we in Katie's head? And just who are you exactly?" I ask her. "What the hell is going on."

"Well I can't tell you everything right now since I don't know the full story myself. All i know is that the man that was in here before was trying to break the seal on Katie keeping me out of her mind. She's not supst to meet me till her 18th birthday but he wants us to meet sooner rather than later. Why i do not know all I know is that he is a friend."

"How is he a friend when he tried to kill you, or Katie. Why would he put my mate, you, thought all of this?"

"Well lets just say he's a first class jack ass. Look all i can tell you is their is a big reason as to why the two of you are mates and until that time you have to protect her." she tells me.

"What happened that night i took Katie home, when she was talking about how i was her mate?" She looks at me a little upset.

"Well at the time i tried to take over her body but all i could do was talk. I wanted your wolf to take over that way you would at least mark us. But that really didn't work out the way that i wanted." She looks a little ashamed at what she wanted to do. "The sooner they two of you are fulled mated the saver Katie and I will be."

The room starts to shake and my head starts to spin. What the heck is going on? It feels like everything its dispersing. 

"Well it looks like this is this is goodbye. For now."  The room goes dark but only for a moment before I hear someone calling me.

"Alpha! Wake up." cracking open my eyes I find Trevor standing over me. He takes me by the arm pulling me to my feet.

"What's going on?" I ask him, he helps me sit in the chair. I feel so weak yet i have no idea why, its kind of embarrassing me being an Alpha and needing help to get in a chair. "How's Katie?"

"You passed out ll of a sudden we don't know what happened. And Katie is fine we lost her for awhile when they were about to give up her heart started up again and than i heard you waking up and that's everything. "  He tells me.

"Alpha?" Michael, the packs doctor calls. "Are you alright?" Still a little daises by all that has happened in the last few hours its takes me a second to answer him.

"Yes. Yes Michael I am fine. what about Katie." I stand from my chair to look at Katie she looks better than she did in that wired dream of mine. At least she is alive and safe.

"She is going to be fine. Luna may be out for quite sometime she is going to need to rest after all that she has been through." I place my hand on his shoulder as a thank you for all he and his mate have done for mine.

"Brandon." Kyle called from the hallway. I turned to look at him, he looks some what worried. "We may have a problem."

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