Shaggy Norville Rogers

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"Alrighty gang let's spring this trap!" The short blonde declared with his finger pointing up towards the sky as black and orange fireworks set off.

You stood in a forest on Halloween night so the atmosphere was extra creepy tonight, you could hear oak tree's rustling and birds cheeping.

You notice your boyfriend quaking in his pirate costume boots "Zoinks...I'm not ready to be used as bait again..." Shaggy whispered closely to you as he latched onto your arm.

Your lips touched his cheek gently giving him a kiss "don't worry you usually are fine! You do a great job of being bait" you reassured him. He smiled and gave you a kiss back on the forehead then slowly lifted his lips off your head "thanks y/n". You nodded as a way of saying 'you're welcome' and you both let go of each other to start the plan to trap the monster.

You,Fred,Velma and Daphne hopped into the van and drove off to a secret spot meanwhile Shaggy and Scooby stood quietly ready for the culprit to arrive.

I stare out of the window watching my view of Shaggy and his dog goes further away.

You arrived at the secret spot, set up the trap and then Fred and Velma went back into the van. Daphne was controlling the net, Velma was controlling the smoke machines we're using to mess with their vision,Shaggy and Scooby are obviously bait,Fred is gonna signal us, and you had the job of holding the rope that hopefully they will trip over.

Literally seconds after you finished setting things up you could hear Scooby and Shaggy screaming mixed with the fireworks still going off.

"Like dude let's RUUUNNNN" shaggy cried out as the monster viciously chases them down. The gang realised that the monster came a bit too early then planned. "Jeepers i thought the monster was supposed to come after fireworks have finished not during them!" Gasped Daphne. "Quick gang! let's activate our trap" commanded Fred as he dashed out of the car door to the nearby bush where he was hiding the extra nets just in case we needed back up.

Then Velma set off the smokes and Shaggy plus Scooby moved out of the way, spotted you at the side and ran towards me.

Shaggy jumped into your arms so Scooby jumped into his "ow...Um guys" Y/N squealed as you wobbled all over the place and eventually fell down onto the floor "sorry!" They both apologised in harmony. Shaggy then kissed you hand like a knight to his princess.

Thankfully The culprit,still thinking Shag and Scoob are running, continued going forwards which caused the culprit to trip over the rope and tumble into the net.

You all cheered and Shaggy hugged you. You caught the monster and now you can go back to enjoying Halloween night with Shaggy <3

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