Chapter One - Walk

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This is my first fanfiction book thingy and I'm 12, so sorry if it's not the best!


I was walking down the street at night, and I heard 3 girls giggling about a Halloween party, I was a vampire so I never got to do anything fun, this would be the perfect thing I could get away with doing, my sister and brother who are also vampires wouldn't approve, my brother would probably say something like "If you make friends with one and the die from old age then you'll get depressed, you get attached to things way to easily."

Which I don't...


And my sister would say "Our parents were killed by those monster humans" but that was in the 80's, a lot of things have changed since then! So I think they should shut up, I'm the youngest and it seems i'm the only one willing to give ANYTHING a chance!


I walked back into the place I lived, which was rumored to be a haunted mansion because we NEVER leave it (Besides when we hunt) or hang outside it, so people think it's abandoned and haunted, which some teens are bound to break in at some point (They have before but at some point one of them is gonna get away before we can stop them) so I don't understand why I can't meet them to prevent that from happening, we'll be found out a some point?! I walked into my Mansion to see my older sister, angrily standing at the doorstep, looking at me..

"What were you doing outside? You clearly weren't hunting?? What were you doing all willy nilly, you can't just go out for no reason?! It's not safe, Adele?!?!"
My sister scolded me, My sister's name is Verre, which suits her because her voice and personality is as sharp as glass!

"Whatever.. It's not my fault I just wanted to get some fresh air! We're always cooped in the mansion" I fought back, it's so annoying that I never get to do anything, if we weren't vampires I'd have cabin fever or something!

My sister was not in the mood for justifications. Her scolding tone only got angrier.

"Fresh air?! We're vampires! We don't need fresh air! You know why we can't go outside unless we're hunting."

"It's been two centuries since mom and dad got killed, people don't even believe in vampires anymore?? We don't actually burn in sunlight so why do any of these things apply anymore?!" I continue to argue, I deserve the right to walk around!

"Do not fucking bring Mom and Dad into this. Just because you hardly knew them doesn't give you the right to not apply to their rules! Mom and Dad left me in charge because they trust me to carry out their rules!" Verre hissed, she hated when she knew she was wrong, and she was definitely wrong.

"Whatever!" I yell, then storm into the living room where my brother was playing video games

My brother could sense the tension in the air immediately. He paused his game and looked up at me expectantly. He had a much more relaxed attitude than my sister, but he would still be against your rebellion against my sister's authority.

"Hali, You agree that I should be able to take a walk right?!" I ask my brother, His name also fits him, as it means 'Sea' because the sea is calm at times but can be rapid and dangerous and scary, also unknown, just like him.

My brother looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking. He knew how stubborn I could be and he didn't see any point in arguing with me once I made up my mind, but he couldn't bring himself to agree with going against our sisters rules. His answer was carefully chosen.

"I can see why being cooped up all the time would be frustrating, but mom and dad would want us to listen to your sister." Hali said, trying to dance around any backlash from me or Verre

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