Chapter Two - Sick

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Sorry for the short and lazy chapter, I didn't have much to write about

It had been two days since I got the flyer, I had decided to just be a vampire for the Halloween party, but a fancy one! I would buy a sparkly red dress and black heels because I could just dress up as a vampire and apply makeup for a 'bite wound' because I was a vampire born by blood so I didn't have a bite mark to signature I was a vampire, I could retract my fangs though it was uncomfortable so I couldn't actually have them out at the Halloween party!

It was a sound proof plan... I hope

Only problem, Verre and Hali.. how would I get around those two when the Halloween party is at night?

"Hmm" I hummed to myself as I stared at my ceiling

Then it hit me harder than when the vines snapped and I hit the ground, I'd do every teen movie classic (From what I'd seen)

I would pretend to be sick! We can get sick as vampires, it was just very hard, but what worked in my favor was that vampires my age were more prone to it

I laughed evilly to myself as I conjured this plan "I'm finally gonna get to live my life!" I say to my stuffed animal that was next to me, it was a black and red bat with an ear torn off and an eye missing, it had many rips on it because when I was a baby I chewed it and tore it up while teething, so my fangs ruined it quite a bit, but I still loved the stupid looking thing

I waited for sunrise before I went down to the kitchen to steal some money from a jar, where I hid money I found on my walks, so it wasn't really stealing.. but like... It felt like it.

I snuck out the front door because I didn't want to fall off the side of the house again, because it hurt.. badly.

I had the most human gene in my family, which made me even more of an outcast, which definitely sucked but at least I'd get to go to this party

I stepped outside and saw some kids walking to a costume shop, but I didn't go there, but I wasn't going to get a proper costume, I instead went to this place called 'Goodwill' and It was next to the costume shop so it somewhat worked out, I went into the Goodwill, and I guess luck was on my side because I saw the perfect dress, It was red and sparkly, It had a leg slice, it went down to my shin and it fit perfect, then I found some standard black heels so I got them too

My total rang up to $17.81, The heels were $5.29 and the Dress was $12.52, and there was no Tax, because the store had a thing called 'No Tax Sundays'

The name is stupid, 'No Tax Tuesdays' would have worked MUCH better, but it worked to my benefit so I really don't care

in just 6 days the party would finally happen!

Word count: 537

---------Word count: 537

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