Stella meets the PJO cast!

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Today was walker and Stella's first day on set Walker was currently doing a scene while Stella was sitting her trailer, all of a sudden there's a knock on her trailer door

"COME IN" Stella yelled from her bed in the trailer

"Hey Stella-Bella" Walker said as he and the main cast came in

"oh hey Walk and friends" Stella replied looking at everyone

"Walker you said she knew we were coming" Stella heard Charlie say

"Oh I did oh well were all here now lets have a sleepover" Walker replied with 

"ok sure wait what are we even gonna do and I dunno if we can all fit in here lemme call my dad to pick us up and take us to the hotel" Stella said as she called her dad

Incoming call from LOVELY DAUGHTER 🥰🫡🤠

"Hello Star what's up" Ben said to his daughter when he picked up

"Can you please come get the cast so we can have a sleepover" Stella begged her dad

"Ok fine as long was there is no funny business" Her dad replied

"There won't be any I swear dad" Stella told her dad

"okay be there soon bye" Her dad said

"Okay bye love you" Stella says as she hangs up

"ok everyone go get what you need my dads coming to get us" Stella told everyone as they left to go get there stuff aside from walker as he stayed in the same hotel as her

"so are you excited" Walker asked Stella as she was posting on her insta

"for what walker?" Stella asked scared

"oh nothing don't worry" Walker replied scaring Stella even more



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