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F: Hünkar, do you want to tell me that we h.. had a child?

Fekeli stood up, literally burning from the anger.

F: What are you talking about?! Hünkar tell something!

She just stood in silence and lowered her head, some tears appeared on her eyes.

H: I..I couldn't say it...

F: How could you not say it?! Why did you hide this from me?! What happened with my child?!
H: Ali Rahmet, calm down. I'll have to tell everything.. but not here and now!

Fekeli looked at her with incomprehensible look.

F: We had a child, but you are able to hide it from me at least since 30 years!
He raised a little his voice which was give enough reason to Hünkar that stop his hastily behaviour.

H: Ali Rahmet, enough! You don't know anything, what happened in the past! You can't hold me accountable! Now, go away, I don't want to see again that you step into my houss without any permission, mainly with this high tone!
She showed with her finger to the door to leave the room.

F: Then allow me to know, Hünkar!
Fekeli started his way out of the room, but Hünkar's last words stopped him.
H: I will be in our place at 8 pm.
Then Fekeli continued his way while Hünkar sat down to the chair and burried her face into her hands.

H: Off, what would come yet?

Saniye came to her with a glass of water.

S: Hanimim...

Saniye gave it to her and she drank it slowly.

H: Off, Saniye, everything turned out...

S: I heard his words..

She knew every secrets about her, Hünkar trusted in her very much and she was the only person in this mansion with whom can share her real feelings and the most feared secrets.
Now, Saniye sat next to her and took her hands.
S: He will be more understanding if you tell him what happened in reality.

H: No Saniye, it's a secret what I would have told to him, but I couldn't. It was my deepest secret and I didn't want to turn it out, but our destiny.. The God also wanted it to turn out.

S: When I see you and him together, I just always wondered that the real love can be found in the reality not just the fairy tales. You are the evidence of the endless love.
H: Our love maybe endless, but there is an abyss what is able to seperate us.

Small mansion:
Behice saw that Fekeli's car pulled out of the mansion with a quick speed. She suspected that something happened. She was all alone, because Müjgan and Yilmaz went abroad because of work.
B: Hmm.. I'll turn out it soon, Hünkar hanim.. you just think that I will give up such an easily..you are in a big mistake!

Yaman mansion:
Züleyha came from the city club with her car when saw that her mother sat in the garden. The sun already moved down. She was immersed and seemed nervous, the girl realised it and went to her.

Z: Mom, why are you here, it's almost dark and also cold, come with me in mom.
H: Oh, Züleyha, no, no daughter, I have to go away soon, but I want to wait Demir to come home.

Z: But where mom?

She sat next to her and looked at her with serious glance.

H: I will meet with Ali Rahmet.

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