Be Careful What You Wish For

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~Author's Note~ Hey guys Hero here. Welcome to my first ever Fanfic!! (Pops Champagne). LOl anyways so since this is indeed my first ever fanfic there probably will be many mistakes so i hope that you guys will have patience with me. Oh also constructive criticism is much appreciated.(Lord knows how i need it.) As for schedule updates i don't have a set schedule i'm just doing it as i come but i will try to update as often as i can ...Okay I'll shut up now on to the story.

~Eren's POV ~

My name is Eren Jaegar. I am a normal 17 year old boy that stands at a height of 5'7. I live in a normal household of four consisting of me, my father Grisha Yeagar, my mother Carla Yaegar, and my adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman. Mikasa has been with my family since i was seven. My father was a close friend of her Father and Mother and after her parents were murdered, he decided to keep Mikasa as a favor to her parents. Mikasa and I are really close I consider her my actual sister and love her to death even though at time she can be quite the mother hen. Then there's my best friend Armin. I have also known him from since i was seven. He often got picked on when he was little so I was always there to protect him. I used to have the bullies terrified of me however Armin likes to argue and say that the bullies were really running from Mikasa, As If!

Unfortunately I havent seen Armin in a while. He moved away a few years ago. We still kept in touch tho and are still best friends. Anyways all of that is going to change since I have now moved to where Armin lives in a town called Maria, a normal town. Me, Mikasa and Armin will be able to go to the same school again. A normal high school called Maria High home of the fighting titans. Normal, normal, normal....yay. sense the sarcasm. Everything about my life is just so normal! Dont get me wrong Im grateful for the life that I have I know theres people out there who would love to be in my shoes it wrong to wish for something more instead of the same old mundane lifestyle?? Some times I wish there was more adventure in my life...something different.

I look up from my drawing of a titan as I hear rapid knocking on my door.

"Eren?! Come and put a move on. You dont want to be late for your first day of school now do you?" say Mikasa from behind my white door.

"oh No we wouldn't want that now would we" i say sarcasticly, rolling my eyes in the process.

I hear her huff from behind the door"Im serious Eren get up right now or so help me i will come in there for you"

Knowing that mikasa wasn't joking i closed my drawing book and pick up my bag from behind the desk chair i was sitting in. I then head over to my door and swing it open "now now dont get your panties all up in a twist im already dressed and ready to go to prison." I push past her and began making my way to the kitchen for breakfast.

Mikasa follows behind me"Come on Eren its the first day to a new school! You dont know how its gonna be like."

My eyebrows skyrocket in mock surprise"oh really now?? Its a high school, Mikasa there all the same. Work, Homework, Test, Quizzes, Teachers, and to top it off everyone's divided into a social class system jock, geeks nerds, popular, etc etc." I turn around to face her "you get the point now" i say as i walk backwards into the kitchen.

"Eren, Mikasa! Breakfast?" mom ask from in front of the stove.

"No time" mikasa says as she grabs her bag from off the table and drags me by my color out the front door.

"Bye Kids" my mom yells at us "have fun in school!" she says waving at us from the door. We make our we way down the the street making our way to school.

"why didnt we just take the car" i whined to Mikasa

"Because walking is much better plus its good exercise" she says in her no duh tone.

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