Chapter 21

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You were peacefully enjoying your breakfast when you were suddenly tackled to the ground.
"What the hell, Hanji!" You yelled at the titan-crazed woman.
"(F/N), I need you to try an experiment with me today!" She yelled as she pulled you along as you try and make sense as to what the hell is going on.
"Tch, what experiment are you trying now, shitty-glasses?" Levi asks as he takes a sip of tea.
"You said that the titan had paid no mind to (F/N) when she was in her wolf form, and I want to see if it was merely coincidental!" Hanji explains excitedly.
"Fine, but I'm coming along. I don't want you accidentally killing her." Levi says blandly as he gets up.
"I'll come along too." Eren says, and pretty soon everyone joins in.
'I don't know whether I should be thankful that they're coming or feel kinda sad that the only reason they're coming is to see this experiment.' You think.
------------Small Time Skip-------------
You were currently standing in front of Hanji's two new titans that she caught.
"D-Do I really have to?" You ask nervously.
"Yes, and don't worry about a thing, you'll be fine. I think." She mutters the last part, but you still heard it.
'You think, that really doesn't help a thing!' You think.
"Okay, when I give the signal, you'll tranform and make your way towards the titans." She explains.
"Okay." You say.
Hanji runs over to where everybody else is, which is quite a distance away, you then see her give the signal. You transform and make nervously make your way towards the two giants. Although you do stand at 6 meters, the titans are still bigger than you.
However, as you neared nothing happened. Having a sudden surge of confidence, you walked right beside the two massive beasts, and still nothing happened.
___________Levi's POV____________
I see (F/N) walking towards the two titans, now I may not look on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out.
Then I see her walk tight beside the two, but nothing happens.
"Oi, shitty-glasses, what the hell is going on, why aren't they attacking her?" I asked.
"Well, so far we know that titans don't attack animals, so maybe that being in her wolf form, they aren't able to tell that she is human." Hanji explains.
"Well, that would explain why." Eld commented.
"I just hope that she'll be alright." Petra says nervously.
"She'll be fine, I mean she isn't weak." Auruo commented.
'I haven't realized till now, but when did Auruo stop copying me?' I think to myself.
Its not that I care, its just that I never thought I'd see the day.
I then turn my attention back to (F/N) and see something that left me speechless.
She's laying down on front of them, and they still aren't doing anything.
"Okay, now I want to see something else, can you come over here (F/N)!?" Hanji yells to her, and she gets up and walks over.
"Great, now I want to see if they would attack you, if you had someone on your back." She says and everyone looks at her like she's insane, but then again she might be.
"Okay, who want to volunteer!?" She exclaims as she looks around, no one volunteers.
"Okay, then Levi you go up." Hanji says.
"Tch, why should I be the one to go up?" I asked with irritation laced in my voice.
"Because, One: your humanities strongest, so you should be fine, and Two: she likes you the best." She says as she pushes me in front of (F/N).
I just clicked my tongue as (F/N) picks me up and places me on her back.
She then cautiously begins to make her way over to the titans. When we get there, (F/N) shakes her fur a bit, this causes it to cover me a bit more.
'What the hell is she planning?' I thought.
When we reach the titans, they don't seem to take to much notice of me.
'I see now, by covering me in her fur, she is trying to hide my presence from them.' I think, and in order to prove my theory, I bury myself deeper in her fur. We then pass by the titans without them noticing.
"Heh, not bad (F/N)." I whisper to her, and in response she let's out a huff, as if she's saying that she knows.
We then make our way back over to Hanji and the others.
"That was amazing!" Hanji shouts loudly.
"Tch, I'm covered in fur." I mutter, and as soon as I said this (F/N) let's out a low growl, it wasn't threatening, it was just her saying that she was insulted.
"Okay, I think that's enough for today." Hanji says.
(F/N) then nods and we begin to make our way back to HQ.
(F/N) couldn't change back, until we got back, so she had to walk at the back of the group.
When we finally made it back, Hanji gave (F/N) her clothes and she had gone back around the castle to change.
After she changed, she made her way over to me.
"Hey Levi, can I ask you something?" She asks.
"What is it, brat?" I ask back at her.
"I was wondering if I could have a talk with Erwin, I think I have an idea to get to Eren's basement safely." As soon as she said this everyone turned their attention towards her.
"Tch, fine, let's go." I said as I quickly made my way towards Erwin's office, with (F/N) right behind me every step of the way.
After walking down a series of corridors, we finally make it to his office.
I then barge in without knocking.
Erwin looks up and sighs.
"You know Levi, there is a thing called knocking." He says.
"Whatever, we have more important matters." As soon as I say this Erwin raises an eyebrow.
"What would that be?" He asks.
"(F/N) might have a plan on how we can get to Eren's basement safely." I say, as (F/N) comes up.
"Is this true?" He asks (F/N).
"Yes sir." She says with as much confidence she can muster.
"Then proceed to tell us." Erwin says as he sets his pen down and leans back in his chair.
"Well, I have the ability to transform into a wolf, and by doing so it seems that the titans ignore me, as proven in Hanji's experiment today. We have also learned that if someone were to bury themselves within my fur, the titan will not notice them, this was also proven with the experiment we did today. So my plan is that if I were to take two people with me, we could figure out what's in Eren's basement, without any casualties." (F/N) explains.
"I see, are you sure that this will work?" Erwin asks.
"I am very sure that if done right, we could succeed." (F/N) said confidently.
"Okay, we will try your plan, buy who will be the two that you're going to take?" Erwin asks.
"Levi and Eren." Was her short reply.
"Very well, we will start tomorrow." Was all Erwin said before dismissing us.
I then make my way over to (F/N) and began to talk to her.
"Are you going to be okay?" I asked with a hint of worry in my voice.
"I'll be fine, I'm just a bit nervous that my plan is going to be put to use a lot sooner then expected." She said.
"Tch, well be fine as long as your with us." I say and I see her expression lighten up a bit.
"Thank you, Levi." (F/N) says before heading off to tell Eren the plan.
'She is one hell of a girl, but then again this might be why I fell so hard for her.' I smirk as I think this.

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