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🔦 Hello and welcome back to another one of my stories! Wower, Really didn't expect anyone to read this stories. Anyways, Here is something a tad bit different! Still a fnaf fanfiction butt it's going to be an original story of sorts: OC's, Original plotline and ideas etc. 

I really hope you all enjoy it! And please give me all the ideas you all have along your readings! (Feel free to sing along and make referencess).

🔦 Warnings: 16+ readers.

- Mature content.

- Strong language.

- Gore.

- Panic attacks.

- Slow road to insanity.

- Extreme scenes.

- Ptsd.

- Eating discorders.

- Halusinations.

- Orginal Characters.

- Death and Murder.

- Mention of suicide.

- Flashing images.

- Voice acting.

- Videos with flashing lights.

- Disturbing images and/or videos.

[and more, Please proceed with caution!]

🔦 Pages are being well thought out soo.. Expect a page within the next week-early next month! (not counting the prolouge)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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