Chapter 2: The Final Assignment

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<<At Mount Alvarez>>

Mount Alvarez... The palace and home of most gods. Located at the top of the highest mountain in all of the country, Mount Alvarez is a warning for all enemies threatening these lands. A sign that there is a group of brave warriors and deities prepared to defend the people from every horror that endangered them.

A meeting was being held inside the palace at that exact moment, a reunion between the most important gods in order to discuss an important matter at hand: Treason from one of their fellow members.

"The land dies!" said God Serena, God of the Sea. "Animals and plantlife perish! And there's only so much mortals can do against Larcade's army! At this pace, he'll reach the sea in no time!"

"Everyone knows exactly what's at stake, Serena" Dimaria, the Messenger God replied. "Still, there isn't much we can do without intervening directly"

"That's exactly why we must act!" added August, God of the Underworld. "We've let mortals deal with their own problems for far too long, and yet, they haven't accomplished anything relevant. Now that one of our own threatens our domain, it is time to rise against him!"

"NO!" yelled an angry voice, coming from the top chair at that council of gods. The one talking was none other than the King of all Spriggan Gods: Zeref. "We will do nothing. Larcade is just a child... Unwise and stupid. He's not worthy of divine intervention"

"My king..." Neinhart, the Sun God, intervened. "If we don't act now, we'll lose everything!"

"I never said nothing would be done, Neinhart. Someone will act... just not us"

Zeref stared at Irene directly, knowing she had someone in her care that could actually make a difference. The Goddess of Wisdom understood what Zeref meant just by the glare he was giving her. To kill the treacherous God of War, Larcade... That would be Natsu's final task.




<<At the city of Hargeon>>

Natsu explored the big city. Unimpressed. Serious. He was unfazed by the lively streets and the merchants all around. It was a weird view for him considering he spent most of his time in the battlefield.

Natsu approached a nearby shop and bought an apple. As he did so, he noticed lots of people gathering way ahead at the city plaza. Of course, Natsu was still bored and uninterested, but something inside of him made him move forward, making his way through the crowd until he noticed what was going on: Some sort of dancing parade.

"What's this?" Natsu asked.

"You must be new in town" a stranger replied. "Today's the celebration in honor of the gods, to thank them for always looking out for us"

"Thank them, huh?"

Natsu mulled over the man's words. He watched the parade's participants, noticing that each of them were dressed as one of the Spriggan Gods they revered. Neinhart, Irene, Selene, August, God Serena... There was even a man dressed up as Zeref. The crowd yelled euphorically, but Natsu had a hard time in that celebration considering it was the gods who still privated him from his memories.

Just when he was about to leave, the celebration was interrupted. The cry of a woman in the parade alerted everyone. The music stopped, and then the crowd saw what happened. One of the dancers, the one dressed as Zeref of all people, had been hit in the head with an arrow. A perfect shot. Normal people would never knew where it came from, but Natsu wasn't normal.

The pinkette looked up high and saw the archer, standing on top of a building. Without losing time, the man made a run for it, but not on Natsu's watch. This last one made his way out of the crowd and pursued the killer. He was fast, but Natsu could keep up easily.

When the killer finally made his way down onto the street, Natsu was there. The pinkette tackled him. The killer rolled back and pushed Natsu away. Then, he ran again, but Natsu was done. Drawing out one of his blades, he tossed it and stuck it on the man's leg. Natsu pulled the chain, forcing the killer into his grasp.

"Now then, let's talk" Natsu muttered menacingly, his firm hand holding the neck of the poor archer who struggled uselessly to escape.

Moments later, they were both in an alley isolated from the rest of the people. Natsu threw the man on the ground, threatening him to kill him unless he stated his reason for doing what he did. "I just ruined a celebration in honor of the gods. Why do you think I did it?" asked the man, Natsu grabbing him by the shirt and slamming him agains the wall. "Those deities are not worth our gratitude! They live un luxury, claiming to protect us, but it is us, mortals, who this land belongs to, not them!"

"Even if that were true, what can a mere mortal like you do? Do you really think the gods watch this stupid parade? Do you think they care about the tantrum of a lowlife like you?"

"Heh... So you think they don't care about us either, huh?"

Natsu widened his look. He had not fully appreciated it, but the man was probably right. What's more important, Natsu had just discovered that he wasn't the only doubting the gods. There was this man, and if there was one, there were probably more. Either way, Natsu let the man go at that moment, dropping him and telling him to leave before he changed his mind. The mand did so immediately.

"How uncharacteristic of you" said a female voice. It was Irene, but it wasn't coming from the lacrima this time. Natsu turned around, and saw her: Irene, Goddess of Wisdom. Not in the flesh, but as a projection that came with news. "For you to let a victim live. Are you getting softer?"

"Shut up, Irene" Natsu replied. "Just tell me what you want"

"The gods have determined what your final task will be, but before I tell, heed my warning. This will NOT be as easy as any of the previous one"

"Is that supposed to scare me? Just spit it out already. What is it?"

Irene sighed. "Very well... Far in the capital city of Crocus, lies your final target... The last victim you must claim for the gods to accept your petition. You must hurry"

"Okay, but what is it? Some sort of beast or dragon?"

"No... This is entirely different" Irene approached the pinkette, softly touching his forehead with her finger while projecting a vision of the target in his mind. Natsu startled in shcock after seeing who it was. "It is Larcade, Natsu... Larcade, God of War. He is who you are facing"

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