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I awoke to the sound of someone loudly calling my name. I quickly sat up, and almost panicked for a moment. Where am I? This isn't my house!

The events from the night before came back to me in a rush, and I sighed. I knew I'd have to go home, sooner or later.

"Kel! Kel, where are you?" The voice called again. Hero. What was he doing out, looking for me? Shouldn't he be sulking in bed?

The morning light shone through the window, illuminating Sunny's old room. It was mostly barren, the only furniture being his bed and a wardrobe. I remembered the sleepover I had in here just a few days ago, with Sunny and Hero. Sunny had hardly said a word the entire time, and knowing what I knew now, I didn't blame him. Speaking of Sunny... I wonder what he's doing right now? Wait- what if he replied to my email?! If he did, then I've been leaving him waiting! 

I quickly leaped out of bed and began to rush down the stairs. How could I be angry with Hero for sulking when I was doing the same thing? I'd had enough of this. I was going to face my problems, head on.

I opened the door to Sunny's house and took a quick glance around to make sure no one saw me come out of it. I don't think it's legal to just go in someone's house, though is really trespassing if no one owns the property? I'd have to look it up later.

As I approached my own house, I spotted Hero in the forest nearby, surveying the area and calling out. He was so preoccupied with searching for me in the woods that he didn't even notice me coming up behind him, so of course I'd have to take advantage of this opportunity! Once I was directly behind him, I suddenly put my hands in his shoulders.

"BOO!" I shouted, causing Hero to jump and cry out. He stumbled over a nearby root when he did this, and fell flat on his face. By the time he got back up, I was laughing too hard to speak.

"Kel! That's not funny! Where have you been? Are you okay? Why did you have to scare me like that?" He bombarded me with questions, stepping closer with each sentence until he was hugging me.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't resist scaring you when I saw you out here," I said, still grinning from that ridiculous fall that Hero took.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Hero scolded. He let go of the hug and glared at me, though I could tell that he wasn't actually angry. I only saw him get actually angry once...

"I'm sorry, Hero. I just got really upset last night and I ran off. I shouldn't have been so immature. But I'm back and I'm okay, so everything's fine!" I reassured him. 

This is what I always do. I'll just smile and act like I'm fine, and then I will be! Fake it until you make it, as someone once said. I'm not sure who came up with it. I'll figure out a way to help Basil and  prepare for the move. I've got all summer. I just have to convince Hero and Aubrey to forgive Sunny and Basil. If I can do that, then Basil won't be alone when I leave! I guess he won't have Hero, but he'll have Aubrey, at least. They were friends once and I'll make sure they become friends again. I can do it.

"A-are you sure you're okay? I'm sorry I haven't been a good big brother... It's just- Mari... it hurts, you know? But I know that's no excuse for making you feel that way. I'm so sorry about the move," Hero apologized. I smiled at him, just glad that he was out of his room. If he could say Mari's name, that was a good sign, right?

"I'm fine! I just got upset, that's all! I know the move wasn't your decision, and I'm sure I'll be able to adjust in a new home. Don't worry about it." I told him. Hero sighed with relief.

"Good. I'm glad. Let's go talk to Mom and Dad, okay?" He asked. I nodded, and we walked to our house together. 

I walked up the steps to our porch behind Hero, who opened the door and yelled, "Mom! Dad! I found him!" Immediately, I heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs, and my parents came running down. My dad even stumbled over the last stair.

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