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"WHAT?" Han screamed hysterically knowing everyone is looking around. "You don't mean it. You don't right?"

"I mean it. Stop screaming people are looking." said Han's boyfriend Do-yun.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? HOW COULD YOU?" continued Han as tears started to fill his eyes.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Do-yun stood up slaping Han across the face.

Han was looking down at the floor as all the traumatizing memories flashed in his head. He slowly lifted his hand and touched his cheek. Lifting his head to look at him, Han took one last look at Do-yun and stormed off out of the restaurant.

He and Do-yun have been together for the past 1 year since they met at a bar near Do-yun's place. Han haven't realized until today that this relationship was a mistake. All this time he thought "all this is for us". Maybe the slap shook his mind making him realize that beating your loved one isn't a way of showing love.

Jisung was running as fast as he can while sobbing uncontrollably. When he finally stopped, he was there. His safe space - the beach. He took a few steps getting closer the the water as he fell down on his butt causing him to loose control and fully lay down on the sand. It was winter so it was cold, but not as much. Only to make chills down your body. Laying on the sand lifelessly, looking at the moon, still sobbing then crying made all this feel worse than it is. Do-yun was everything and he was simply said - nothing.

After awhile Han stopped crying and was now laying there just looking at the moon. Rethinking his every move from the past year. As he was thinking he heard footsteps. He thought someone was just passing by so he didn't really give it a thought. That was until someone hung over him. Startled he sat up only to see a boy his age.


"Sorry, I came to see if it was a dead body." said the boy. He was kinda hot in Jisungs eyes. He was about 5′ 8″ with brown hair, brown eyes, cold expression on his face as he was scanning Han up and down.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you laying here like a fucking corpse?"

"I was just- just enjoying my time at the beach."

"Laying down at midnight?"

"Yeah... It makes me calm." said Han awkwardly.

"Weirdo." said the boy with a confused look on his face as he continued walking.

Han sighed with relief. He thought that this was Do-yun who went after him. He stood up as he picked his phone from his backpocked of his jeans. He checked the time - 2:28 am. 'I should probably head back.' he thought to himself. He walked back to the city. Tonight he spend the night in a hotel.

The next day he went to Do-yun's apartament to get his things. When he arrived at the door he started banging really loudly causing his ex to open the door.

"Who is it?" said Do-yun while yawning.

"Move I'm getting my things." said Han as he made his way in.

"What, you're not here to beg me for forgiveness?"

"No, I'd rather kill myself."

"Wow, I'd love to see you try!" Do-yun laughed as he walked up behind Han and placed his hand on his waist.

"Don't touch me." Han glared at him.

"Come on babe it was just one slap."

"ONE SLAP? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?" Jisung screamed at him. "IF IT WAS JUST ONE SLAP THEN WHY DON'T YOU KILL ME? I see no difference."

"Chill. I was just joking." Do-yun said almost letting out a giggle.

"Fuck you and your bullshit. I'm moving out" said Han as he lifted the suitcase and walked towards the door.

"Oh yeah? And where're you going to sleep?"

"Anywhere far away from you."

"I was cheating on you anyways."

Han stopped. He slowly turned around and got close to Do-yun giving him a hard slap.

"Don't you ever try to talk to me again." said Jisung grabbing his suitcase and going in the elevator. When he left the building he got into a taxi. It drove him to his mother's house. As soon as he stepped on the mat in front of the door he felt his heart heavy. 'Why would you cause your mom worries when you can go in a hotel?' he thought as he stepped back. He was about ot go back into the taxi when the door opened. A woman stepped out with a trashbag.

"Jisungie?" his mom stared at him as she put the bag down. Her eyes got teary making her automaticly hug him. "I missed you so damn much."

"Mom, I'm so sorry. I should've just listened to you from the start." Han started crying as he hugged her tight.

"It's okay baby. Just listen next time."

They went inside. When they walked in, Han's mom first took him to his room and brang him food. While Han was eating his mom came to him.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"I really don't want to. I'm so sorry, but it's just that h-he traumatized me enough and I don't wanna remember the pain right now." said Han visually shaking.

"It's okay, don't worry. Well talk when you're ready." She said as she hugged him tightly.

"Thanks mom, I really appreciate it." said Han hugging her back.

The hug made him emotional and he started sobbing again. Hugging and crying he was saying again and again that he was sorry. His mom was rubbing his back and quietly whispering 'It's okay dear, cry your heart out.'.

When he calmed down his mother put him to bed. She laid him down covering him with a blanket, got the dirty dishes and turned off the lamps getting out of the room.

a/n: Hello dear readers!~ I really hope that you enjoy this story so far and I hope that you'd like to know what happens in the next part👀

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